The Magna Graecia content pack for Imperator: Rome shines the spotlight on three Greek city-states: Athens, Sparta, and Syracuse. They have unique missions tailor-fitted for their expansion, conquest, and historical ascendance. Here’s our guide to help you out.

Note: With regards to Magna Graecia‘s and the Archimedes update’s religion changes, you can read our religious pantheon and holy sites guide. For more information about Imperator: Rome, you can check out our guides and features hub.

Imperator Rome: The Magna Graecia DLC’s Greek missions

All nations in Imperator: Rome, regardless of culture, will have “The Matter of…” mission. This is a generic mission chain that focuses on your expansion into nearby territories and provinces. Similarly, the free Archimedes update adds a number of thematic missions for other Greek states. As for the Magna Graecia DLC, it adds multiple special missions for Athens, Sparta, and Syracuse.

It’s also possible for the Archimedes additions to become available once you’ve met certain criteria. For example, Sparta may unlock “The Hospitable Sea” mission to establish colonies on the Black Sea’s coasts, but only after pacifying the Greek mainland.

As mentioned in our Imperator: Rome preview article, you can only have one mission selected at a time, and you can’t even see the requirements for other missions. The goal is to plan your empire-building and complete certain tasks beforehand so you can be ready once these requirements are needed in due course.

Note 1: Tasks are numbered based on how they appear per row in each mission. Separate branching paths, as well as mutually exclusive branches, are also cited.

Note 2: Nations or settlements that are mentioned will likely become mission targets. You should try to avoid treaties or alliances with them since you do need to conquer their territories — unless there’s an option to complete an objective diplomatically.

Athens’ missions

Mission 1: “Athens in Chains” – independence from your overlord Phrygia or strengthened relations; mutually exclusive conclusions


    1. Use up 10 political influence to start event; choose to intervene; wait 90 days.
    1. While waiting, send diplomatic insults to Phrygia to lower relations; complete once Phrygia’s opinion of Athens is -25.
    1. Government panel: Have enough political influence to change your law to “Draft Act.”
    1. Government panel: Either wait or take the stability hit and support your ruler’s faction until you have 50 senate seats.


    1. Use up 50 gold to start event; wait 180 days.
    1. Government panel: Either wait or take the stability hit and support your ruler’s faction until you have 40 senate seats.
    1. Use up 10 political influence and wait 180 days.
    1. While the above is ongoing, send a diplomat to improve relations with Phrygia or send gifts until their opinion is at +200.
  • Note: Completing this branch may lock you out from the next mission.

Mission 2: “Restoring Attica” – development of Athenian economy and surrounding countryside

    1. Own and control Megara. Hopefully, you were able to fabricate a claim while doing the previous mission.
  • 2a. Athens must have 3/3 building slots completed
  • 2b. Attica province has 3/4 of the following: Provincial Procurator, State Infrastructure, Directed Investments, Cult of Mysteries
  • 3a. Spend 100 gold and wait 180 days
  • 3b. Either Korinth and Tanagra are under your control, or their current owners (Macedon and Boeotia respectively) have +150 opinion or higher.
  • 3c. Athens has 2x mine buildings in Attica province.
  • 4a. Spend 50 gold.
  • 4b. Spend 250 gold; wait 365 days.
  • 5a. Spend 10 political influence.
  • 5b. Spend 10 political influence; wait 90 days.
    1. None; just complete the above and this mission is done with this final task.

Mission 3: “Democracy in Athens” – follow the democratic will of the people, use corrupt means, or become a tyrant


  • 1a. Prytanis councilor has 70 statesmanship and 80 loyalty; have more than 10 political influence.
  • 2a. Ruler has 25 corruption.
  • 3a. Ruler has 50 corruption.


  • 1b. Ruler faction has 50 seats; higher than 60 stability.
  • 2b. Prytanis, Agoranomus, and Civic Researcher councilors have 50 statesmanship and 80 loyalty.
  • 2c. Have “Assembly of Citizens” and “Deny Priests in Senate” laws.
  • 3b. Spend 150 gold and wait 90 days.

Tyranny (mutually exclusive with the two above):

  • 1c. Ruler is a member of populist faction and has 90 popularity.
  • 2c. Ruler is a member of populist faction and faction has 60 seats.
  • 3c. Ruler is a member of populist faction; leaders of the other factions have less than 10 popularity.

Mission 4: “Restoring the Delian League” – a culmination of your diplomatic efforts to reunite the Greeks

    1. Spend 50 political influence and wait 180 days.
  • 2a. Have 100 ships.
  • 2b. Chalkis and Eretria are owned by Athens or a subject.
  • 3a. Amphipolis is owned by Athens or a subject.
  • 3b. Athens has 10 light ships docked in Athenai.
  • 3c. Athens owns Delos.
  • 4a. Sestos is owned by Athens or a subject.
  • 4b. Amphipolis has a forum and a fortress.
  • 4c. Delos has a tax office and a fortress.
  • 5a. Halikarnassos is owned by Athens or a subject.
  • 5b. Sestos is a city; Sestos has a foundry and a fortress.
  • 5c. Naxos is owned by Athens.
  • 6a. Halikarnassos has no free building slots.
  • 6b. Rhodos is either owned by Athens or a subject, or allied with Athens.
  • 6c. Naxos is owned by Athens or a subject; Naxos has a mill.
  • 6d. Athens owns Kephalonia.
    1. Athens owns Korkyra.

Sparta’s missions

Mission 1: “Spartan Restoration” – reclaiming the lost glory of Sparta in Laconian lands

Skiritai Forces:

    1. Have 10 military experience; freeman happiness is 85 or higher; has no additional branches

Helots and Messenia:

    1. Have 20 political influence; wait 180 days.
  • 2a. Sparta owns Leuktron, Messene, and Mothone.
  • 2b. Lepreon is owned by Sparta or a subject.
    1. Sparta owns Messene; Messene has 5 or more buildings.

Spartan Resurgence:

    1. Sparta territory has 5 or more buildings.
  • 2a. Laconia province has 500 food; 1 territory in Laconia province has 10 slaves and a farming settlement.
  • 2b. Have 200+ gold.
  • 3a. Laconia province has 2/4 of the following: Freed Helots, State Infrastructure, Directed Investments, Heroic Frieze.
  • 3b. Kyphanta has a fortress, or Sparta owns Thyreai and it has a fortress.
  • 4a. Sparta has a city with a port; has 15 ships.
  • 4b. Sparta has 10 army units.
    1. Requires completion of Spartan Resurgence and Helots/Messenia branches.

Mission 2: ” Protector of the Peloponnesus” – continue rebuilding and defending the peninsula

Home of Zeus:

    1. Olympia has 10 population.
    1. Complete the above and have 25 political influence.

Fortifications and rebuilding:

  • 1a. Arcadia province loyalty is 90+.
  • 1b. Arcadia’s territories — Megalopolis, Tegea, Mantineia, Heraia, Kleitor, and Stymphalos — each have a building.
  • 2a. Have 100+ gold; Argos is a city with 15+ population and 3+ buildings.
  • 2b. Any of the Achaean provinces — Dyme, Patrai, Aigion, or Pellene — must be owned by Sparta, have 15+ population, 3+ buildings, and no on-going construction.
  • 2c. Any of the aforementioned Arcadian lands have 25 population and 50 civilization value.
  • 3a. Simply complete 2b.
  • 3b. Korinthos is a city with 3 fortresses.

Mission 3: “The Second Peloponnesian League” – rebuilding your alliance network to face off against your rivals

Protector of Greece:

    1. Spend 25 political influence and wait 180 days.
    1. Macedon, Thrace, Phrygia, Egypt, and the Seleucid Empire must not own any territory in the entire region of Greece.

Cities of the Peloponnesus:

    1. Own Sparta, Korinthos, Argos, Elis, Messene, and Megalopolis.
    1. Complete the above and wait 180 days.

League Capitals:

    1. Complete “Cities of the Peloponnesus – 2” task.
  • 4a. Megalopolis, Messene, and Elis are cities, each with 30 population.
  • 4b. Korinthos and Argos are cities, each with 30 population.
    1. Sparta, Korinthos, Argos, Elis, Messene, and Megalopolis each have 6 buildings.

League Infrastructure:

    1. Sparta owns 8 cities in Laconia, Achaea, or Arcadia.
  • 4a. Spartan navy has 30 ships.
  • 4b. Spartan army has 20 units.
    1. Complete “League Infrastructure – 4a and 4b.”
    1. Complete the above.

Syracuse’s missions

Mission 1: “Death to Tyrants” – Eliminate the last vestiges of tyrannical rule via a coup or civil war, and establish a republic.


    1. Wait 180 days.


  • 2a. Wait 90 days; mutually exclusive with all other choices.
  • 2b. Wait 90 days; mutually exclusive with all other choices.
  • 3a. Complete either 2a or 2b; mutually exclusive with 3b.

Civil War:

  • 2c. Wait 180 days; mutually exclusive with all other choices.
  • 2d. Wait 180 days; mutually exclusive with all other choices.
  • 3b. Complete either 2c or 2d; must be at peace; mutually exclusive with 3a.


    1. Complete either 3a or 3b; wait 90 days.

Mission 2: “Leadership of the Siceliotes” – Become the champion of Sicily.

Soldiers of Fortune:

    1. Must be at war and at less than 50% maximum manpower; wait 90 days; has no additional branches.

Siceliote Overtures:

    1. Wait 180 days.
  • 2a. Siculia is a subject of Syracusae or you own its lands.
  • 2b. Acragas is a subject of Syracusae or you own its lands.
    1. Completely control the provinces of Syracusae and Siculia.

Restoring Syrakousai:

    1. Syrakousai has 10 Greek Hellenic citizens and 10 Greek Hellenic freemen.
  • 2a. Spend 150 gold.

  • 2b. Own three grain-producing territories that also have a farming settlement building in mainland Sicily.

  • 3a. Wait 90 days.

  • 3b. The capital has a surplus of 6 grain and is not importing it.

    1. Complete “Siceliote Overtures – 3” and “Restoring Syrakousai – 3b.”

Mission 3: “Punic Rivalry” – It’s time to drive Carthage out of Sicily for good.

Maritime Revival:

    1. Have 16 triremes, 4 hexeres, and a total of 30 ships.
    1. Have a total of 40 ships.

Preparing the Ground:

    1. Wait 90 days.
  • 2a. Selinous, Herakleia Minoa, and Thermai are owned by Syracusae or a Hellenic ally.
  • 2b. Syracusae has occupied Carthage.
  • 2b. Wait 60 days.
  • 3a. Own Thermai and have 100+ gold.
  • 3b. Carthage holds no territory in Syracusae and Siculia; no subjects in mainland Sicily; 4 or less territories in Sicania.
  • 3c. Egesta, Ziz, and Lilibaya are owned by Syracusae or a Hellenic ally.
    1. Complete 3b and 3c.

Mission 4: “Hegemon of Magna Graecia” – Unite the tip of Italy’s boot under your banner.

Approach Italiotians:

    1. There exists a Hellenic nation in Magna Graecia with 3 or fewer territories, a low opinion of Sicily, and it neither allied nor at war with you; wait 180 days.

Foothold in Italia:

    1. Syracusae or a subject own Rhegion, Lokroi Epizephyroi, and Hipponion.
  • 2a. Syracusae or a subject own Herakleia, Metapontion, Taras, Thouroi, Callipolis.
  • 2b. Wait 90 days.
  • 2c. Complete “Foothold in Italia – 1.”
  • 2d. Syracusae or a subject own Kroton; have 64 gold and 25 political influence; wait 90 days.
  • 3a. Syracusae or a subject own Taras; have 64 gold and 25 military experience; wait 90 days.
  • 3b. Syracusae or a subject own Neapolis, Sipious, Paestum, Elea, Herakleia, Metapontion, Taras, Thouroi, Callipolis, Kroton, Hipponion, Lokroi Epizephyroi, and Rhegion.
  • 3c. Syracusae has a subject vassal in Magna Graecia region.
    1. Complete “Foothold in Italia – 3b.”

Imperator Rome‘s Magna Graecia content pack releases on March 31. You can find it on Steam. For more information about Imperator: Rome, you can check out our guides and features hub.