The developer responsible for porting The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to Switch reckons it has what it takes to bring Monster Hunter: World to Nintendo’s hybrid wonder box, and has publicly asked Capcom to let them have a crack at it.

Writing on Twitter, Adam Boyes, head of Iron Galaxy Studios, acknowledged that while porting Monster Hunter: World to Switch would be a tricky job, he feels the company is more than up to the task. 

In case you missed it, Capcom has previously said that Monster Hunter: World is tailor made for the PS4 and Xbox One, and therefore is unlikely to make the transition to Ninty’s latest home console. It’s a shame too, as Switch owners are missing out on a bloody good game.

Dear @monsterhunter team at Capcom – we understand that porting the game to Nintendo Switch is challenging ( but this is exactly what @IToTheG does. Give us a shot & we won’t let you down 😉

— Adam Boyes (@amboyes) March 3, 2018

Regardless if we see the title come to Switch or not, Monster Hunter: World has proven a massive success for Capcom since its January launch. The game has shipped 7.5 million copies worldwide (including digital sales), becoming the publisher’s best-selling game ever. Yes, even more than Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter II Turbo.