Hogwarts Legacy is a magical open-world title based around the ever-popular Harry Potter novels. Naturally, devoted followers are curious about the inclusion of the book’s main protagonist in the game’s cast of characters.

With the release of the long-awaited title now closer than ever, the excitement and curiosity surrounding it is at an all-time high. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with all the information you’ll need to know about the game including its magical roster.

Will Harry Potter be in Hogwarts Legacy?

No, Harry Potter will not be making an appearance in Hogwarts Legacy. Since the game is set in the late 1800’s, almost none of the characters from the book series will be included in the game.

Instead of playing as The Boy Who Lived, players will instead take the role of a customizable protagonist who is starting their fifth year at Hogwarts. Based on the early plot synopsis, the main character is not only able to control a forgotten type of magic but also “holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart.”

With this in mind, the type of wizard you turn out to be will most likely be tied directly to your interactions with the inhabitants of the wizarding world and the spells you decide to cast within it.

The Hogwarts Legacy gameplay showcase has already revealed that you can cast Unforgivable Curses, such as Avada Kedavra. Since these enchantments are often frowned upon in the wizarding world, using them may negatively influence your character.