Nintendo has a history of releasing updated revisions of their hardware within the space of a few years. It seems as if the Nintendo Switch will be receiving an updated piece of hardware if the General Manager of the Entertainment Planning & Development Division is to be believed.

Nintendo won several awards during the 2018 BAFTAs, which included Super Mario Odyssey winning the Game Design and Family awards, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild winning the Game Innovation award.

It was after the ceremony that Shinya Takahashi spoke to BBC news and told them that he was happy with the awards and that Nintendo was researching new console hardware.

It may seem as if Takahashi’s comments are vague, but when you break them down it can only really mean one thing. It’s still way too early for Nintendo to be mentioning a new system, especially when they already have three on the market that are still receiving new games. It also took a long time for Nintendo to admit that the Nintendo Switch was even in development, so they aren’t going to be crowing about their next system when they are still trying to convince people to invest in their current one.

The Nintendo 3DS received multiple revisions during its lifespan and the system is entering its twilight days, so we aren’t likely to see another variant of the hardware. We also aren’t likely to see a successor to the 3DS, unless the higher-ups at Nintendo have lost their minds and are dead set on cannibalizing the Switch’s audience.

This leaves the most likely answer of a new hardware revision for the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch has only been out for a year, but there is a large section of the audience who would likely upgrade if it meant that a few annoying aspects of the system were fixed.

The small amount of internal memory remains a huge problem for the system, with many gamers having to spend extra money on microSD cards in order to download full digital titles.

There is also the problem with the kickstand built into the system, as a stiff breeze or a stern look will cause it to break and send your Switch crashing down onto the table.

There is also the problem of not being able to recharge the system while the kickstand is deployed, as the charge point is on the bottom of the console.

These three issues alone could likely result in a slightly updated version of the Switch’s hardware, though we may also see an “XL” or “Pro” version of the Switch in the future that increases the speed of the system. They did it with the Nintendo 3DS and that was one of the most popular revisions of the hardware.

The popularity of the Nintendo Switch means that an updated version of the hardware is inevitable, though Shinya Takahashi’s comments suggest that it may be coming sooner than anyone ever suspected.