Call of Duty returns once again this year with a highly anticipated new experience that offers a bunch of new and familiar game modes. But is there splitscreen multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2? Here’s what you need to know.

Is Modern Warfare 2 Split Screen?

The answer isn’t as easy as it should be. Technically speaking, there is splitscreen multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 for PlayStation and Xbox platforms, but its functionality is very limited right now.

As you might have discovered for yourself already, there is a menu option that indicates plugging in a second controller and entering a valid second account will enable splitscreen, but once this has been completed, none of the game modes will actually function in splitscreen.

It turns out you can get some of them to work but only when the match is set to private and both players are on opposite teams. You can fill lobbies with bots to make up the other numbers. That is the only splitscreen experience in Modern Warfare 2 right now. The campaign is not available to play cooperatively, nor can you play any online mode with splitscreen enabled. PC players have no option to play splitscreen in any mode at all.

That’s everything there is to know about whether there is splitscreen multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2. For more tips and guides on the game, including how to fix the pesky audio bug, search Twinfinite or check out the related content listed below.

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