Jai Courtney, who plays Boomerang in next month’s Suicide Squad movie, has revealed the extreme actions he took to prepare for the role.

Speaking to Empire (and reported by Yahoo), Courtney revealed that he once took mushrooms before a Skype call with director David Ayer and proceeded to self harm using a cigarette.

“That night I happened to eat some mushrooms,” he explained, “and I did self-inflict some burns.”

Courtney’s self harm is the latest in a series of bizarre actions taken by the film’s cast to get themselves ready for their respective roles.

Cara Delevingne revealed she walked naked through a forest howling like a wolf on the recommendation of Ayer, whilst Jared Leto got into the zone for The Joker by sending pig heads to fellow cast members.

We’ll find out if all this was worth it soon as the film opens on August 5. Take a look at some of the best movie trailers from Comic-Con here.

Did you know there is a Suicide Squad game, and it looks pretty good.

Source: Yahoo Movies