Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order released to pretty stellar critical praise in 2019 and put the franchise in a great place with gamers. The game received most of its praise for the solid narrative it delivered as well as the amazing lightsaber combat that seemed heavily influenced by the developers at FromSoftware.

Their games are known for having challenging but rewarding combat and Jedi: Fallen Order is no different. Let’s now take a look at 10 tips to dominate as a Jedi in Star Wars’ latest video game, Jedi: Fallen Order.

10 Build Confidence

People tend to underestimate how much confidence can affect one’s skill. It often is pretty astounding what a few easy achievements can do to build the self-confidence in one’s one skill and possible success. College football teams do this by scheduling less talented teams earlier in the year to get them rolling.

In Jedi: Fallen Order the same thing can be done to make you more confident in battle. Take some time for yourself and find a group of stormtroopers to hone your skills. It’s not like they’re going to hit you with their blasters after all.

9 Power Moves

Throughout the game, as you build up experience and unlock spendable skill points you’ll earn new combat moves that use your force meter to unleash powerful strikes. There are numerous ones to unlock that all can become useful and effective once you know how and when they’re best used.

It’s up to you to figure out which ones you feel comfortable using which comes down to the types of situations and windows of opportunity that become most apparent to you during an engagement with an enemy.

8 Find Stim Boosts

This may sound obvious, but having more health can help you get better in combat. Not only does it allow you to take more damage, but it gives you more chances to take risks and learn enemy patterns.

Upgrading both the amount of health you have, the number of stims, and the amount the stims heal you per use can all be invaluable. If you’re looking for tips then chances are you’re not trying to speedrun the game and are looking for all of the advantages and pieces of advice you can find.

7 1 vs. 2

Through the first part of the game, players learn to fight with Cal and his single-hand lightsaber. This is interrupted by the surprise of being able to use a dual-sided lightsaber, one of the coolest things in Star Wars.

The game tells players that the dual lightsaber is most effective for crowd control, but you never know if it works better for you in every situation. Learning how to switch between the two on the fly can open up your skills, but don’t let that distract you from being effective in the moment against the given enemy.

6 Experiment

Games with open combat systems give you the freedom to attack situations however you choose. Just because a quick and aggressive approach benefits one type of player doesn’t mean it will do the same for everyone.

Maybe a slow and methodical approach using force powers might work better for you. Take some time in the menus to look over force moves and skills and experiment with things that catch your eye. It’s all about finding a set of moves and approaches that will make you as effective as you can be.

5 Analyze

When people see fans of FromSoftware titles quickly becoming masters of the combat in Jedi: Fallen Order they often just default to the experience they have with that type of combat system.

The truth is that they understand that the system is about reading an enemy’s attack pattern and understanding when your window of opportunity presents itself. Take time to analyze an enemy’s startup animations for moves that give you trouble and it can give you enough time to avoid it and come out the other side unscathed.

4 Time Is On Your Side

The most underutilized and overlooked mechanic in the game is easily the force slow ability. Early in the game players will often lean on it as a crutch in combat, but as the game progresses they either forget about it or become too proud to use it.

Slowing an opponent can make a handicapped engagement feel less overwhelming, and against more powerful foes it can open up a window for you to either heal or land a powerful force strike. Using force slow is a part of the game and shouldn’t be looked at as a video game cheese maneuver.

3 Use The Force

If you log on to Twitch and click on a random Jedi: Fallen Order stream chances are you’ll see a player using their lightsaber, and only their lightsaber, in combat. Since the base combat of the game is so fun and engaging it’s quite easy to forget that you’re a Jedi with force powers.

We already discussed the usefulness of the slow ability, but both force pull and push can make fights against numerous enemies a walk in the park. Don’t ever be afraid to just push everyone off a ledge or pull them in for an intimate kill.

2 Parry Timing

One of the biggest realizations players will have in Jedi: Fallen Order is how easy combat can become when you get skilled at successfully parrying enemy attacks. For instance, the large spider-like creatures found on Kashyyyk can be quite annoying, but a successful parry of their lunge attack activates a quick-time event kill that defeats them in a single blow.

In other boss fights, successful parries can quickly drain an enemy’s stamina bar. Doing so opens them up to your attacks as they can no longer block a single blow.

1 Be Patient

When someone tells you that a patient approach can be helpful, it can come across as condescending whether it’s true or not. Chances are though that if you’re wanting to get better at the combat in the game you likely approach fights very aggressively or overly passive.

Patience doesn’t mean being passive but rather understanding when and where to take advantage and strike with controlled aggression. You’ll often make most of your mistakes when you feel pressured or panicked, so take a breath and focus.

NEXT: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: 10 Things To Do After You Beat The Game