There are 10 Alien Tablets in Journey to the Savage Planet. Scanning them will unlock some extra videos that you can watch in the Javelin, and you’ll complete the “Alien Cinema” sidequest as well. This guide lets you know all their locations.

Note: Some locations may be unreachable unless you have fully upgraded your gadgets (ie. Quadruple Thrusters). If you need help with upgrades, we’ve got you covered with our Science Experiments and Explorer Rank mini-guide.

Journey to the Savage Planet: Alien Tablets guide

(1) The Landing Site – Outside the Javelin

Make your way past the frozen caverns and, once you reach the wide-open area, look to your left. You’ll spot the carcass of a giant mammoth.

Head inside the cave and you’ll see a doorway. Use your Shock Fruit to keep it open.

The Alien Tablet is inside.

(2) The Itching Fields – Planetary Flotsam

This will likely be the first Alien Tablet that you’ll come across in Journey to the Savage Planet.

It’s right in front of the fast travel spot. You can’t miss it.

(3) The Itching Fields – Festering Chasm

From the fast travel point, make your way a bit to the north until you spot a cluster of giant mushrooms. Look to the west and you’ll see several grapple nodes.

Keep moving towards that direction and you’ll spot an opening.

Use Grapple Seeds on the barnacles.

The Alien Tablet is at the end of the cavern.

(4) The Itching Fields – Fungi of Si’ned VII

From the fast travel point, head north past the alien altar. Once you reach a pond, you’ll see a giant mushroom and a structure that you can climb on top of.

Use your jump thrusters to climb up.

You’ll spot a small hole below the Bombodoro fruit.

Down there is another Alien Tablet.

(5) The Elevated Realm – Xerophilous Landing

From the fast travel point, make your way to the northeast. Take a look at the edge of the cliff and you’ll see a grappling node.

Once you drop off, you’ll spot a hidden cavern. Use your Shock Fruit to keep the doorway open and break the floor with your stomp.

This area is called Plork’s Sizzling Gauntlet, and you’ll notice that countless lasers have been activated. The goal is to make it all the way to the end. Hop, quad jump, and slide if you can.

In case you die, there’s an easier way of doing this. Before dropping down, just use up all your jumps to get further ahead before you touch the floor. You should be close to the end once the laser trap gets activated.

(6) The Elevated Realm – Repaired Teleporter

Go east past the Cacnut plants and Shnozos.

You’ll eventually see a barnacle-covered pillar that’s jutting out.

Right below are some purple crystals that you can shoot which will reveal a secret passageway.

Use Grapple Seeds on the barnacles here.

At the end of the cavern is another Alien Tablet.

(7) The Elevated Realm – Tears of T’bo

You’ll see a pond with a small waterfall nearby.

Jump above this area and make your way across the platforms. Use your Grapple Seed on the barnacles in the distance.

You should be able to scan the Alien Tablet while clinging to your grapple.

(8) Within the Spire – Moist Vestibule

Make your way to the pit’s first level. Just make sure you don’t end up falling straight to where you fought Teratomo.

At the first level, you’ll see giant roots.

Make your way to the top of that and you should be able to crawl through an opening that leads to a room with an Alien Tablet.

(9) Within the Spire – Moist Vestibule

From your current location, make your way down one more level. This is the part with molten lava falling on the floor.

One of the sections has a pool of molten lava and a crawlspace. Make your way there and crawl past the burning liquid until you reach a secret room which has the tablet.

(10) Within the Spire – Moist Vestibule

Make your way down to the third and final level (the one before the Teratomo boss fight). You should see a circular pillar that’s fallen on its side. You’ll also spot the final Alien Tablet high above that inside one of the vats.

Use your fully-boosted charged thruster jump to reach the landing. You should be able to scan the Alien Tablet.

Congratulations! You’ve found all the Alien Tablets in Journey to the Savage Planet. You also completed the “Alien Cinema” side objective. Go ahead and watch the short cinematics back in the Javelin.

Journey to the Savage Planet is available now via the Epic Games Store. You can head over to our guides and features hub for more info.