The contents of the Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition has been finalised, with Square Enix today announcing the set will include an art book, map of Medici and a replica grappling hook.

ART BOOK:  A 32-page, hardcover book bringing the explosive world of JUST CAUSE 3 to life.

REPLICA GRAPPLING HOOK: A faithfully recreated 15-inch display version of Rico’s trademark grappling hook.

MAP OF MEDICI: A 24″ x 24″poster map of the Mediterranean archipelago of Medici.

The Collector’s Edition also includes the Weaponized Vehicle pack.

All this can be yours on December 1 for £79.99 on console, or £69.99 on PC.

Pre-order Just Cause 3 now on Xbox One, PS4 or PC.

Source: Square Enix