There is strong likelihood that many of us will end up being married. Picking out a tux or gown, walking down the aisle, saying “I do”, those are things that many of us can expect to experience sometime in our life (at least in a typical wedding). Generally, weddings should be the happiest day in our lives, at least if everything goes to plan. Whereas weddings are usually seen as the beginning of a new life with your significant other in real life, it is often seen as the end point for couples in works of fiction, at least that is how the cliché goes.

Stories centering on couples during and after the wedding is not commonly explored because customarily weddings symbolize the end point of character growth. Ordinarily, when fictional characters are ready to marry, it means the characters have matured to a point to be fully committed and be responsible. Of course, that’s not true in real life, as any married couple can tell you. We will always continue to mature and learn new things, even after marrying the love of our life. However, that’s how the cliché works. People are more interested in seeing couples get together rather than spend their lives together.

Sometimes weddings are only alluded to in stories. Whereas a romance novel will often end with the wedding, a show aimed at children may not even bother showing the wedding at all. A lot of times, marriage is only implied within the narration. Sometimes characters are never shown to get married at all. This may be due to the fact that most TV executives and writers probably believe children are not interested in weddings. Of course, the internet proves that’s not the case, and there is a lot of terrific fan art of your favorite kids’ characters getting married. So that’s why I’ll be going over 23 of your favorite characters right before the wedding night.

22 Prince Mario?

Even though it isn’t official, I often see Mario and Peach as a couple. Heck, my sister thought they were already married, which makes me wonder why they aren’t already married. I doubt the Mario games will ever get more complex than Mario saving Princess Peach, yet, at least them being a married couple would at least add some depth. Maybe I’m being too romantic, however, I think it is silly that Nintendo hasn’t officially made Mario and Peach an item. They have trolled fans many times, especially recently in Super Mario Odyssey. At least we have fan art to imagine what a wedding between Mario and Peach would be like, and of course, they are mostly all really adorable.

Art by Dynamo-deepblue and Mya-0.

21 The One True Pokémon Pair?

I was very surprised during my research to find that there is a bunch of fan art of the Pokémon girls in wedding dresses. There were so many that I had to sadly cut out quite a few.

However, expect to see some more of your favorite Pokégirls later in the list.

Many older fans would have a hard time recognizing any other girl to be with Ash than Misty, the original Pokégirl. With that said, fan favorite Serena from Pokémon X and Y may have a stronger case to be with everyone’s eternal ten-year-old. Not only is their relationship very adorable in the anime, they also have a history together; they were childhood friends. Serena is also currently the only girl to have kissed Ash. It was off-screen, yet it was still very obvious. Serena was known for her fashion sense, so I totally buy her having the prettiest gown for her wedding.

20 We Don’t Think They’re Nobodies

I know Sora and Kairi are the primary couple of Kingdom Hearts. I also know that Roxas is commonly justifiably paired with Namine in most fan art. Despite all that though, I think Roxas and Xion’s relationship is one of the cutest pairings in the series. Their friendship as shown in 358/2 Days is super sweet, and the ending of the game is one of the most tragic moments in the entire franchise.

While I get why people see Roxas and Xion more as friends than potential lovers, for my money, I think the two have one of the best dynamics in the series.

Despite all the convolutions, the narrative of Kingdom Hearts always draws me in because they always have character moments that make the story charming. Roxas and Xion are equally one of the most charming, and the most tragic characters in the games.

19 Gotta Blast!

Jimmy Neutron and Cindy Vortex have one of the more complex relationships that I remember watching as a kid. Both of them started as intense rivals, with both of them often mocking the other when the series first started. It was evident pretty early on that they had feelings for one and another; they just didn’t want to admit it.

Eventually, the barrier between the two slowly starts to break, and the two slowly come to realize that they both like each other.

They kept up with the pretense that they hate each other for a while, but by the end of the series they seem to fully embrace it. Their relationship was definitely one of the more developed couples I’ve seen in a children’s animated program. Although it was unfortunate that Jimmy Neutron was canceled before the series had time to fully explore Jimmy and Cindy as a couple, at least it does end with them being together.

Art by Georgia-o-q and Rainmaker113.

18 Who Is She Marrying?

I haven’t watched Adventure Time, but from what I’ve seen, it’s about a boy named Finn and his best friend (maybe brother?) named Jake. Jake’s a dog, by the way. And he can change shape and size whenever he wants to. They live in a place called The Land of Ooo, and there’s lots of great supporting characters there, including this girl, Princess Bubblegum.

The show has proven to be a big hit on Cartoon Network, with the final set of episodes going to be aired later this year. I come across a lot of fan art of the cast of characters from the show. Princess Bubblegum in a wedding dress is definitely one of the prettiest, and I especially love how her bouquet is filled with candy rather than flowers.

Art by Live4Adventure and Iwannakissallama.

17 A Quick Wedding?

Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever played a single Sonic the Hedgehog game. It’s a testament to how popular the Sonic characters are that I know so much about them despite never really playing a game from the franchise. I know Sonic likes chilidogs, I know Tails’ real name is Miles Prower, and I also know Amy is completely in love with Sonic.

Sonic has had several possible love interests throughout his career, including a freedom fighting princess and a human girl.

Amy’s obsession with Sonic borderlines into stalker territory in some games, which at times makes their relationship kind of weird. However, in the games where it is less creepy, there is definitely an appeal to the pairing. With that said, Amy is probably his most prominent love interest, I wouldn’t mind seeing them getting hitched in one continuity.

Art by Lissfreeangel and Trisha-14.

16 A Ghostly Union

Danny Phantom is a show I appreciate more in hindsight. It came in at the tail end of the Nickelodeon renaissance, and at that point, I was starting to get out of watching cartoons. There were some episodes of the show I did love, but I always felt that the show was constricted by guidelines of it being a kids show. It is a show starring a teenager with ghost powers, yet it rarely went as dark as I would have wanted it to.

Thinking back on it, I definitely have developed a nostalgia for it now, and I do think it is better than I gave it credit. Some of the romantic subplots I couldn’t care less about as a preteen, however, I did end up rooting for Danny to get with his best friend Sam in the end. Even though the show was abruptly canceled, it was nice to see that the series ended with them getting together.

Art by Amethyst-Ocean.

15 She’ll Have Her Wedding In May

May from the Pokémon anime always felt like she was facing an uphill battle. She was the first Pokégirl to replace the popular Misty, and I think fans had a hard time warming up to her at first. Of course, now she has fans, since now viewers have more companions to compare her to. She probably won’t reach the same level of popularity as Misty or even Serena; nonetheless, I think fans have now accepted her among the better Pokémon leads.

What I love about the above fan art is that May is not only wearing a brides dress but that the dress looks exactly like a mega-evolved Gardevoir. I love Gardevoir, and I really love mega Gardevoir, so I really dig that. I also think it is appropriate since May and Gardevoir both first appeared in Generation III.

Art by Chikorita85 and AdvanceArcy.

14 Bomberbride

Bomberman 64 is one of my favorite games from childhood. I love the story mode, the boss battles, and the multiplayer option. The story mode is the first story mode I remember playing, and I loved every moment of it. I wish that game had more recognition. Bomberman 64 and Crash Bandicoot were some of the earliest games I remember playing with my siblings, and they both predate my love for Pokémon and Final Fantasy. Over the years there have been many different Bombermen, including a Pyramid Head Bomberman and a Belmont Bomberman. Yet, we haven’t gotten a Bomberbride already. Maybe Konami should fix that and include a bride version of everyone’s favorite bomb throwing video game character, especially if a Bomberbride would look just as adorable as the one in the fan art above.

Art by Qeva.

13 Together They Make 7

While I started watching Codename: Kids Next Door when I was a really little kid, as I grew older I felt the show was suffering from the same issues I had with Danny Phantom. I started feeling that series was being limited by the fact that it was meant to be a show aimed towards young children. When the narrative began to get more serious and sophisticated, the execution and dialogue of the show still remained juvenile. The show focused on the exploits of a group of children, who protect other kids from evil grown-ups.

There were some narrative themes like falling in love in some episodes.

The will they or won’t they relationship between Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 became a running joke throughout the series. It is revealed in the last episode that the two do eventually get married, which was not shown in the series. Fortunately, we do have the above fan art to provide the missing piece.

Art by Orionstorm.

12 The Original Power Couple

The relationship between Link and Zelda often differs depending on the game. Since The Legend of Zelda series focuses on the different reincarnations of Link and Zelda, each Link and Zelda are technically different. While recent titles like Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild have strong romantic overtones between Link and Zelda, most of the games leave their relationship ambiguous.

Nevertheless, it hasn’t stopped fans from creating dozens of fan art of the pair together.

The above artwork appears to be about the Link and Zelda from Ocarina of Time. Despite not speaking a single line of dialogue in the entire game, Link surprisingly has several love interests in Ocarina. Not including Princess Zelda, Link has his childhood friend Saria, Princess of the Zoras, Ruto, and the farm girl Malon as his potential love interest. It must be the green hat that draws the women; maybe I should start wearing a green, pointy hat.

Art by Dattebayo34 and Nayru-Leen.

11 No Monkeying Around At This Wedding

Nothing against 3D animation or CGI, I’ve just become old enough to begin feeling nostalgic towards old-school animation. I grew up with the Disney films of the late 90s – it was during that time period I would argue Disney had some of the best 2D animations. Disney’s Tarzan maybe my personal favorite because of how wonderful it blends 2D with some 3D animation.

Tarzan swinging in the jungle has never looked as good.

Even though Jane is mostly just a damsel-in-distress in Disney’s version of the story, I think she has enough personality and charm to be considered to be one of the best renditions of Jane yet. Though I don’t know how Jane would get a wedding dress in the middle of a jungle, I do like to think that Tarzan and Jane had an official wedding on the island.

Art by Airachica.

10 A Rather Powerful Bride

It’s hard to imagine a character like Samus ever settling down. The lead of the acclaimed Metroid video games, Samus broke new grounds by being one of the first female leads in a video game. She is a cool intergalactic bounty hunter who wears a full body armor and destroys some of the deadliest aliens in the galaxy. She also has a lot of personal baggage; her family and colony were eliminated by Ridley and his space pirates when she was a little kid.

She is a character who doesn’t show much emotion, which would make it difficult for anyone to actually be close to her.

With all that said, I love to think, if Samus ever does get married, that she would wear a dress just like in the art piece above. She spends most of her time in her armor, so it makes sense that she would get married in it. At least that’s my headcanon.

Art by SonicKnight007.

9 What’s Up, Docs?

I remember watching the VHS of Space Jam so much as a kid. Unfortunately the VHS my family had was apparently in Spanish, yet somehow I never noticed that as kid. Proves how imaginative I was as a kid. It’s crazy to think back on it, and realize that Space Jam was the first appearance of Lola Bunny in the Looney Tunes canon. Weirder still is that she was designed to hold grown-up appeal.

Don’t deny it – we all thought Lola Bunny was cute as a kid.

She’s now a mainstay in Looney Tunes cartoons. She is often paired up with Bugs Bunny; because they’re both anamorphic bunnies, and who else can they date? In a lot of ways, Lola Bunny is Warner Brothers answer to Minnie Mouse. Except cuter, and can play basketball really well.

8 He Stole Her Heart

Sly Cooper from the infamous Sly Cooper games is a slick thief, following the footsteps of his ancestors. Carmelita Fox is almost the opposite; she is a serious-minded investigator, who has made it her personal goal to arrest him. Despite both being on the opposing sides of the law, they also have great chemistry with one and another. Over the course of the original Sly Cooper trilogy of games, Carmelita does eventually fall for Sly. Unfortunately, the game series has remained dormant for a while now, so there hasn’t been any development on Carmelita’s and Sly’s relationship. Sly’s fate in the last game in the series has been left ambiguous, leaving fans in the dark for years now. As a big fan of the franchise, I do hope that the two characters will settle their differences and end up together like in the fan art above.

Art by Jennissycooper and Moon-shyne.

7 Even Antagonists Need Love

Avatars in video games are more like tools to play the game, rather than be their own characters. Since avatars are such a blank space, players often fill in those blank spaces with their own imagination and interpretations. The female trainer in Pokémon Black and White, who has been commonly named Hilda among fans, is nothing more than an instrument for players to control.

She has no will or personality of her own, yet somehow she is a part of one of the more popular ships in the franchise.

N is the main antagonist in Black and White; a young boy who has been deluded into believing he was the savior of Pokémon. Though Hilda has no personality, it’s easy to view her scenes with N in a romantic light. There is a particular moment where the two characters are in a Ferris Wheel that screams romance.

6 The Ultimate Fan Fiction

I may not know much about Adventure Time, however, I do like Fionna. Fionna is the female counterpart of Finn, who exists in the fan fiction that exists in the main villain’s imagination. She has proven to be quite a popular character among fan artists. I’ve come across a bunch of fan art of Fionna, most of them being amazing. There is something about her design that makes it easy for fans to create some truly amazing pieces of artwork. What I really like about the art above is that not only does Fionna look pretty in her wedding dress – she also looks ready to fight. Her sword in hand, she looks both beautiful and valiant. Sometimes I feel like I would watch more Adventure Time if she was the lead over Finn.

Art by Live4Adventure and Malengil.

5 A Wedding In Space

Nintendo has this habit of rebooting the Star Fox franchise. Star Fox 64 was essentially a reboot of the original Star Fox on the SNES, and the recent Star Fox Zero was yet again a reboot for the franchise. The problem of starting over constantly is that the series usually forgoes elements established in later installments.

One of these elements includes Krystal, Fox’s main love interest introduced in Star Fox Adventure. She became a popular character, but has sadly not been seen in the franchise since Star Fox Command in 2006. Nintendo seems to forget that Krystal was such a popular character, with many fans also loving her relationship with Fox. Only time will tell if Nintendo will wise up, and decide to incorporate her back in the Star Fox cannon. Until then, we have fan art showcasing the two lovebirds together.

Art by Naaraskettu.

4 Their Love Was In The Cards

I was a very typical boy when I was young. I was really into Transformers, Dragon Ball Z, and the other usual things aimed towards boys. Really, I wasn’t really into girly things at the time. With all that said, Cardcaptors was the exception. I loved the heck out of the show as a kid. Even though Kids’ WB edited and advertised the show as being gender-neutral, I always knew it was a girl show. I didn’t care; I thought the show was great.

Watch the new Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card anime on Crunchyroll and Funimation.

To this day I still love the show, I recently rewatched the show in Japanese and I’m currently keeping up with the new Clear Card episodes. Anyone who has watched the show will tell you that the relationship between Sakura and Syaoran is incredibly adorable.

3 Powerpuffs And Rowdyruffs

Even though I recognize Cardcaptors as a “girly” show when I was young, I never saw Powerpuff Girls as one. The leads may have all been female; however, the humor and story-telling felt very gender neutral to me. It really did seem like a show aimed towards both boys and girls. Despite that, the girls still came off as being fairly feminine. Buttercup may have been the tomboy, yet she was never too masculine. They all came across as normal little girls. It’s an aspect of the show I grew to appreciate more as I grew older. I also liked how there weren’t any real boyfriends among the girls, showcasing the fact that girls can be independent.

Despite all that, it is still cute to imagine what kind of wedding dresses the girls would wear.

Art by Neoslashott.