Kerbal Space Program 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved space flight game Kerbal Space Program, seems to continuously fall just out of players’ reach. At first, publisher Private Division intended to release Kerbal Space Program 2 during the spring of 2020. However, various factors prompted the publisher to delay the game three separate times, with 2022 serving as the last projected release year. Many probably hoped that the game would finally come out by then, but as it turns out, the saying “third time’s the charm” does not always apply. According to a recently uploaded video update, Kerbal Space Program 2 has received a fourth delay, this time to early 2023.

The video update features Creative Director Nate Simpson commenting on Kerbal Space Program 2‘s new release window. At first, he talks about the news almost as if he has revealed the game’s release window for the first time, saying that he can finally answer fans’ questions regarding when KSP 2 will come out.


A galactic undertaking

Soon afterward, though, Simpson brings up the technologically advanced nature of Kerbal Space Program 2. Simpson mentions that there’s an incredibly high bar the developers have set for themselves in terms of the game’s quality. This naturally means that the team need as much time as possible to ensure that Kerbal Space Program 2 will come out exactly as envisioned. He went on to express his gratitude to the Kerbal Space Program community, saying that it understands “the importance of creating something high quality, even if it means taking a little bit of extra time.”

Hopefully, the makers of Kerbal Space Program 2 will take full advantage of the delay to produce a work that lives up to fans’ expectations by the time early 2023 rolls around. Of course, considering that the game has now been delayed four times, fans should probably not be surprised if the developer ends up needing a fifth delay. But let’s hope not.