Being that EA Mobile has already been signed up as a participant, we should be seeing a new gaming side to the popular reading device.

No titles are announced yet, obviously, as the beta is just being released next month. Right now the Kindle’s games fall into the casual gaming category such as Sudoku, which is pictured on Kindle’s e-ink display in their KDK image. Being that it’s greyscale e-ink and doesn’t house the hardware for some of the more in-depth games, it’s difficult to imagine what types of games will come to the device.

It’s also hard to picture this in the realm of multiplayer being that the Whispernet 3G is complimentary to those who use under 100KB/month, and adding the connectivity with peers would make that bandwidth skyrocket well over the 100KB per month limits causing the user to pay the subscription fees. Looks like we will have to wait and see what the developers come up with!

What do you think about the idea of gaming on the Kindle? What kind of content would you expect to see?

Source: Engadget