The recently renamed Microsoft Kinect (unveiled last night) is geared towards casual gamers. When it was first announced, the advertisements released showed some sickeningly happy families playing some happy family games - you had the young brother playing Godzilla and skateboarding, the daughter clothes shopping, and the whole family playing trivia an acting as a team.

With the revelation of the Kinect in full-force, Microsoft has released another family-oriented video to entice the casual crowd. This one features river rafting, a dancing game (if you can really call it dancing) and saves the most interesting till last: a small sneak peak at the user interface. Let’s take a look at the vid:


You have to admit, you’ll feel pretty awesome when you navigate a menu with easy swishes from your hand. Jumping to, uh, navigate a raft - not so much. I’ll spare event mentioning what you’ll look like doing the dances - all I’ll say is it isn’t 1980.

All-in-all, if it can perform as it does in the advertisements, it looks like the hardware of Kinect is sure to impress. However, that’s only half the battle: we’re gamers, damnit, and we’ll need more than Wii Shovelware type games to keep us appeased. I wish I could confidently say there won’t be a wave of ‘shovelware’ (looking at you, River Rafting!), but only time will tell.

What do you think of the new Kinect Short Video? Anything new you noticed? Any thoughts on the games?

Source: Kotaku