It looks like an upcoming update to Kingdom Hearts 3 will give Sora three new forms. Not only that, but the third and latest form will give Sora his ability to dual-wield Keyblades again, just like in Kingdom Hearts 2.

The concept of being able to wield two or more Keyblades simultaneously was one of the many features of Kingdom Hearts 2 that fans praised. Sora could either summon a second Keyblade through transforming or pick up another individual’s Keyblade(s) and wield it alongside his own. Despite the ability’s popularity, however, it didn’t make it into Kingdom Hearts 3 – until now.

According to the latest tweet from the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, a new update arriving before Re: Mind’s release will give Sora a new transformation appropriately called “Double Form.” The tweet shows the form off with two different images. In the first, Sora launches an attack against Young Xehanort. In the second, Sora enters the mode while summoning both his Oathkeeper and Oblivion, the two Keybaldes that represent his best friends Kairi and Riku, respectively.

The form seems to have a lot of callbacks to KH2. For instance, the attack Sora launches in the first image looks very similar to a technique he used against Roxas in KH2 Final Mix, the one where he repeatedly teleported Oathkeeper and Oblivion to have them skewer Roxas from every angle. The form’s black and white coloring, along with the two Keyblades tied to it, also make it reminiscent of KH2’s Final Form. Sora’s Ultimate Form seemed to be Final Form’s successor for Kingdom Hearts 3, but since Double Form sees Sora wielding Oathkeeper and Oblivion, it looks like it’ll be taking the honor when it arrives with its update.

The tweet introducing this form didn’t announce when exactly the update will arrive, but it did claim “ahead of the launch” of Re: Mind, so it should be soon. And considering the Keyblades involved, it’s probably safe to say the form will come with the Oathkeeper and Oblivion update.

How players will obtain the form or activate it, however, also remains to be seen. Each transformation in Kingdom Hearts 3 comes from a specific Keyblade, and Oathkeeper and Oblivion already have the forms Light and Dark tied to them, respectively. Some Keybaldes have a second transformation they can activate under the right conditions, though, so it’s possible Double Form will be both of these blades’ secondary transformations.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is out now for PS4 and Xbox One.