If you’ve been following Hideo Kojima on Twitter, you’ll know he spent the last few days painstakingly rehearsing his moves for a ’live’ in-game walk-through trailer for his upcoming PSP title, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

Apparently, this is the first of several live trailers he, and his team, plan to release until the game’s launch.

The first trailer, “For Starters: A Solo Sneaking Mission”, is now complete, and available to watch with your eyes below.

The lengthy 9 minute trailer sees a somewhat younger Snake receiving orders from a very stern sounding Japanese man - as he makes his way through the familiar guard-infested base.

Snake appears to have a new arsenal of tools at his disposal, and this trailer’s primary goal is to showcase a number of them, even though they range from strategically efficient to comically magical: Need to get rid of a body when there aren’t any closets around? Simply tie a balloon to him so that he floats up and into the receivership of a passing chopper. Got a guard turning the corner but have nowhere to hide? No problem. Just hold a magical sheet in front of your face that renders your entire body invisible.

It seems Kojima-san is in no danger of losing his edge. My initial reaction upon seeing the clunky graphics was repulsion. But after a few minutes observing Snake in action, and seeing all the wonderful gadgets put to good use, I must admit I felt that unquestionable twinge of Metal Gear-lust in the back of my mind.

This game appears to have the same flavor to it as the original PlayStation title. Which is a fine, fine thing indeed.

What do you think of the trailer? Think you might purchase a PSP just to quench your Metal Gear thirst?

Source: Hideo Kojima