After the recent side-by-side appearance of Death Stranding game director Hideo Kojima and Keanu Reeves on Twitter during Keanu Reeves’ visit to the Death Stranding studio, many were wondering whether the two would have any collaborative efforts with one another. According to Kojima in a recent interview, he actually does have a desire to work with The Matrix star.

As many know, the cast of Death Stranding is full of recognizable actors and actresses. Among the cast is Norman Reedus, Léa Seydoux, and Troy Baker. Also in the cast is the actor portraying the villain, Mads Mikkelsen, who was chosen over Keanu Reeves for the role in Death Stranding.

While Kojima made the decision to ultimately go with Mads Mikkelsen after considering Keanu Reeves for the Death Stranding role, he explained in an interview that Reeves was a preferred candidate to some. When consulting a close friend, Nicolas Refn, who introduced Kojima to Mikkelsen, Refn explained that Mikkelsen was a great choice but Reeves was better.

“So he was trying to persuade me to use Keanu, and I thought maybe I will change from Mads to Keanu,” said Kojima. Kojima explained that, when having dinner somewhere, he asked the chef for their opinion on whether to cast Reeves or Mikkelsen for the role in Death Stranding when the chef said that “maybe Keanu is better, even though he liked Mads a lot.”

Kojima continued, “Keanu is a great guy, and in the future it would be great if we could work together,” adding that the project “could be a game, or maybe a movie or TV [project] I might work on, so maybe next time. But I want to say Mads is really great.” Kojima finally noted that “in the future, I would like to offer something to Keanu.”

Ultimately, then, it appears that things worked out well for the two larger-than-life figures. While Kojima was working on Death Stranding, Reeves was busy starring in Cyberpunk 2077, apparently having the second most dialogue in CD Projekt RED’s next game. However, it is interesting to think about what projects Reeves and Kojima may start together in the future.

Death Stranding is releasing November 8, 2019, on PlayStation 4.

Source: GameSpot (via ResetEra)