L.A. By Night is a streaming show that follows a group playing the latest edition of the Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop game. The fourth season of the show is underway and the truce between the Anarchs and Camarilla seems to be holding, but all it would take is one misstep and the fragile peace would be destroyed.

The last episode focused on Jasper (Alexander Ward), Eva (Josephine McAdam), Kyoko (Faye Mata), and Greg (Vince Caso) as they fought a gargoyle in the Labyrinth. This week’s episode returns to Annabelle (Erika Ishii) and Victor (B. Dave Walters) as the Undisputed Baron of the Valley holds court in the Maharani night club.

Maharani Nights

The episode takes place in Club Maharani in North Hollywood. In the VIP lounge of the club, Victor is meeting up with Annabelle, Eva, and Jasper. It has been two nights since Annabelle and Kyoko met the thin-blood leader and only one night since Eva and Jasper battled the gargoyle. They explain what happened in the Labyrinth and that the Nosferatu in torpor is gone. Eva believes that they should ask the Wyrd Sisters for help in protecting the club from the gargoyle, as it can potentially enter through the stone walls. She explains that gargoyles are made from Kindred and share their weaknesses. Victor asks if Eva can construct a gargoyle and she refuses.

Annabelle asks what happened to Rodrigo (one of the Camarilla Scourges) and Vincent says she should continue to not want to know, which answers her question, as Aurora (the other Scourge) was asking about him. Campbell mentions that Kyoko is on the way. Victor explains that today is “House Night”, where he holds court with other Kindred and will listen to their grievances. Kyoko arrives and they discuss how she and Annabelle billed Victor for the damages at The Deep nightclub, which he has yet to pay. Kyoko says that she thinks Eva and Jasper have been secretly banging, causing embarrassment and amusement all around, even though Jasper says she is misconstruing things.

Annabelle talks about the thin-bloods and Victor mentions that people are still scared of the prophecy regarding how they will bring about Gehenna. The lights start acting funny and Victor explains that it’s part of a new defensive measure. They talk more about the situation beneath the Labyrinth and how Nelli warned them that the Tremere are on the move. Victor goes to his safe and takes out the special anti-vampire weapon that they took from the hunters. He gives it to Jasper and asks him to return it when the gargoyle is dead.

Victor has an announcement - Baron Abrams is gone and he doesn’t know when he will be back. He named Nelli G as his replacement, making her the Baron of Hollywood. Jasper is concerned about this turn of events, as things started to go bad for them when Victor became Baron. Victor corrects him, saying that things went bad when they helped the Wyrd Sisters and killed the original Sheriff. Victor is now keeping his distance from Nelli, as he doesn’t want it to appear as if she is his puppet. He is worried that people will try to move against her, including the Camarilla, as Abrams was a pillar of the Anarchs. Eva is worried, as Nelli has been susceptible to Suzanne (the Camarilla Seneschal) and her mind control in the past. Victor says she has never let them down in the past. Jasper brings up the man who Nelli killed in Victor’s office. Victor mentions that they have butted heads with Abrams in the past because they were making up for Jasper. Annabelle sums up the situation by saying that the Anarch/Camarilla war is threatening to start again and that they need to let the ground troops know that they support Nelli as Baron.

Victor asks Eva if she is ok. Eva says she isn’t happy that Strauss (Keeper of Elysium) is after her and everyone she loves, but she’s dealing with it. Victor wonders why Greg was sent to help them and Jasper clarifies that he was spying on them and that he had to request Greg’s help. Eva’s memories of the Strauss encounter are hazy and she accuses Victor of using Dominate on her. Victor doesn’t deny it and says that he was saving them, as Strauss had Aurora, Garrick, and some machine gun-wielding thugs. Annabelle says that it wasn’t his call to make and Victor says it was.

Golden Handshake

Campbell knocks on the door and says “Mr. Golden” is here. Victor says he is welcome in, so long as he knows there is company. Annabelle is furious that Victor mind-wiped Eva/Jasper and that it will come back to bite him. Victor says that’s big words from someone enjoying the safety of his club, resulting from his decisions. He says they got their asses kicked by Strauss and he had to give him access to the Labyrinth to save their lives. Victor apologizes for impeding their free will, but he saved their lives and doesn’t regret it.

A plain-looking man in a maintenance outfit enters the room. It’s Gary Golden - a powerful Nosferatu information broker who is hiding his appearance with the Mask of a Thousand Faces Discipline. Golden is introduced to Kyoko and he asks her how things at the Mystic Circle book store. Annabelle asks Golden why he is here. Golden explains that Baron Abrams has succumbed to The Beckoning - a condition that has been affecting older Kindred. They have been spotted heading towards the middle east and disappearing. There is no rhyme or reason as to who is called, with some younger and less potent Kindred feeling the call over their elders. Jasper asks Golden if he has felt the call and he jokes about a twinge of indigestion. Golden assures them that his group is siding with Baron Nelli. Victor asks if any among Prince Vannevar’s group could be affected by The Beckoning. Golden believes that one of them could be if the rumors about the Prince’s instability are to be believed. Eva asks how the wards are working. Golden says they are doing a fine job, as some nosy Camarilla agents have been snooping around.

Golden says that he needs a favor from Victor. Golden’s childer, Mitnick, has need of a piece of computer hardware that can only be required through legitimate means. Golden needs Victor to wire a cheque and he agrees. Victor goes through the photos on his phone and shows Golden the picture of the Nosferatu in torpor that (was) in the Labyrinth. Golden asks for a copy of the photo, as he will ask around about the identity of the slumbering Kindred. Kyoko asks Golden if he has heard of a thin-blood named Westbrook. Golden says he will make inquiries and that they will work out a deal later on. Campbell interrupts the meeting to let them know that Lavender and Velvet Velour are in the club.

Blue Velvet

Golden leaves and Victor asks Campbell to bring Lavender in. Victor is worried that Velvet is angry that Abrams chose Nelli to be his replacement instead of her. He asks Kyoko to seek the aid of her sisters and learn more about the gargoyles. Kyoko says she doesn’t know who to trust and Eva tells her that her sisters have her best interests at heart. Kyoko leaves the Maharani.

Jasper takes Annabelle into one of the secret tunnels to talk privately. She confirms that Mark is still a ghoul and he is training with Nines Rodriguez. Annabelle wants to tell Jasper that she met Chloe, as she found out that she was broadcasting Kindred information under the alias of Archangel. Chloe had told Annabelle that Jasper had abandoned her. Jasper says he gave Chloe a phone and told her to call him, and she never did. He said he could have turned her, but she would have had to endure several days of agony, as per the Nosferatu curse. Jasper says Annabelle had it easy, as she just told everyone she was a vampire, while he had to go into hiding because of his appearance. Annabelle tells him that X is taking care of Chloe. Annabelle reveals that Aurora claimed she knew some of Jasper’s secrets, but he didn’t know what she was talking about. Jasper mentions that Eva is still upset about the Strauss situation. He asks Annabelle is she will help fight the gargoyle and she says she would fight Satan if he asked.

Victor asks Eva why she is dressed in red. She starts to summon magical lighting around her body. She says she doesn’t like it when people play with her head. It was the White Witch of Griffith Park who ran, but she won’t run anymore. Victor says he has her back, so long as she knows which way to point the lightning. Campbell and Lavender enter the room. Victor asks Lavender about the security situation and she says it’s as good as can be expected for a nightclub. She is concerned about Nelli’s safety in the club and Victor points out that she is more vulnerable on the journey in the car. Lavender says that Nelli inherited Abrams’ top-notch security team. She asks Victor if he is willing to protect Nelli if need be. Jasper and Annabelle enter the room, and he assures Lavender that they’ve been protecting Nelli longer than she has. Lavender apologizes and says that those commitments change based on politics. Victor confirms his support and says he needs to take one more meeting. Lavender says she wants to check the roof before she leaves.

Victor says he is ready to see Velvet. Jasper points out that Nelli could have had Lavender ask those questions and that she might not trust them.. Eva asks to speak to Jasper and Victor offers to show Annabelle a new portrait that was made of him. Victor goes out to the balcony and sees Velvet dancing in the club with a well-dressed man. Eva apologizes for what happened in the Labyrinth. Jasper understands that things are difficult for her involving Strauss. He tells Eva not to concern herself so much with killing that she forgets to save herself, as she means a lot to him. Jasper had also suspected that Victor had messed with their minds.

Victor is surprised that Annabelle went as an emissary. Annabelle says that the thin-bloods are strong and can go out in the sun. Victor had heard this. Annabelle doesn’t get why thin-bloods are outcasts. Victor uses the millennial/boomer comparison, except it’s tied to a prophecy about destroying them all. Victor doesn’t hate them, but he underestimated them. Annabelle thinks the Camarilla underestimated them and they should be the masters of their own destiny. Victor asks if Mark is ok and asks Annabelle to promise him one thing – if Mark is in trouble she will call him. She agrees as she will need his money. Victor asks Campbell to bring Velvet to him. Velvet is spotted on the dancefloor with a man who Annabelle recognizes as Eddison - A Toreador who was providing information to Archangel. They have heard the name before, as Imala (one of Golden’s childer) wanted him delivered to her. This boon had been completed and it seems Eddison is no worse for wear.

Velvet is still as beautiful as she was in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Eddison is taken to the VIP lounge and Velvet is brought in. Velvet knows Annabelle and Eva by reputation. She mentions that Eddison is both a member of the Camarilla and is one of the “Stardusters” - a coterie of movers and shakers in the entertainment industry. Velvet apologizes if she has jeopardized the truce, but Victor assures her it’s fine. Jasper uses Obfuscate to hide from view. Velvet says she brought Eddison here to prove that peace can exist between the Anarchs and the Camarilla. Victor asks if this is her Baron’s wish and Velvet says she is surprised that Nelli was chosen. He asks if Abrams consulted her and this strikes a nerve with Velvet. Annabelle says she must have worked hard for Abrams and Velvet says she endured a lot.

Velvet says that she is inviting Annabelle and Victor to a private salon, as she is now a club owner in Hollywood. She mentions that Jeanette Voerman also has a club in Hollywood but that it’s having permit/labor problems. Velvet says that Jeanette had a deal with Abrams and Nelli will be expected to follow up on it. She asks Victor if he is interested in an enterprise linking all the clubs in the city. He mentions that Therese Voerman has a similar enterprise, but Velvet has never seen eye to eye with her and she doesn’t get along with Jeanette. Annabelle asks if there will be a conflict between the club-owners. Velvet says this is why she is gathering all of them for a private meeting. Victor asks Velvet if she is looking out for her best interests, as he wants to avoid breaking the truce. Velvet asks if that was a way of asking her to be careful. He says it’s a roundabout way of saying not to mess with him. Annabelle says she understands Velvet’s disappointment involving the Nelli situation and says it’s in her best interest for Velvet to help her. Victor asks if he would like a word with Eddison and Velvet excuses herself.

Eddison enters and he loves the club. Victor wants him to tell everyone he had a great time. Annabelle says he should come more often. Eddison jokes about bringing the Prince or Suzanne. He confirms that he doesn’t care much about politics or the war, so long as people stay out of his stuff, and Victor agrees. Eddison mentions that there is currently no Toreador Primogen and that Suzanne fills that role, as every city is different. Victor mentions Imalia and Eddison becomes nervous. He lets it slip that there are Camarilla members among Velvet’s investors. Eddison leaves and Campbell mentions that both Nelli and Nines Rodriguez are on their way. Victor wants the club crowd herded out. Jasper says he will call for them when he takes on the gargoyle and Eva gives Annabelle a bottle of the healing potion.

The episode ends with Greg and Ib (Noura Ibrahim) still on their stakeout. It’s the second night and they have been watching a man with blond hair pacing by a stoplight. Greg asks if Ib remembers her humanity now she is a Kindred. Ib says she was a ghoul for a century and her memories are starting to fade as if looking through someone else’s photo album. Ib asks what his life was like before and he says he used to be a hunter. Greg joined the FBI because he knew there was something dark out there. Ib is surprised that Greg is working for Nelli and he says she convinced him that not all vampires are bad.

The new episodes of L.A. By Night can be watched on the World of Darkness Twitch and YouTube channels.

Source: Twitch