During the Day of the Devs event that aired after the Summer Game Fest, publisher Armor Games Studios had an announcement to make regarding its comfy management sim Bear & Breakfast. Announced back in 2020, Bear & Breakfast sees players taking control of a bear who aims to set up a bed and breakfast in the middle of the woods. Those enamored by its charming premise may wish to learn about its release date right away. Thankfully, Armor Games Studios chose to announce exactly this during the week. Specifically, Bear & Breakfast will see a release fairly soon on July 28, and players can enjoy a charming new trailer beforehand.

According to a press release, Bear & Breakfast stars Ursa Major Hank, an entrepreneurial bear with big dreams and a big heart. One day, Hank and his friends come across a dilapidated shack in the woods, which prompts them to transform it into a cozy bed and breakfast for visitors to enjoy. As they build their new establishment, the mysteries surrounding the forest begin to unravel, and Hank will inevitably end up delving into these secrets whether he wants to or not.


Running an inn in Bear & Breakfast

Being a management sim, Bear & Breakfast allows players to shape the inn to their liking, but they cannot forget to keep the customers happy as they do so. These customers have all sorts of interesting and quirky personalities as well as their own goals that players can help them achieve. Upon doing so, the guests may return the favor and help players improve their inn in some way.

Bear & Breakfast promises to induce plenty of warm feelings in those that play it, which should make it a no-brainer purchase for players looking for that kind of experience. Upon release, players can obtain Bear & Breakfast for $19.99 USD, a fair price for a chill, new management sim.