The League of Legends players with access to the PBE (public beta environment) server can now test out a slightly different Wukong. Namely, his passive is now changed to a shield that triggers whenever he enters a brush or stealth, regardless of whether the enemy has vision there, and its cooldown scales with his level. Other changes are also hitting the Monkey King, often considered one of the most nerfed champions in the game.

The new passive, which has been in testing on PBE for a while now, is part of Wukong’s rework, but arguably the most significant one. The cooldowns for the new passive are 16, 14, and 12 seconds long at levels 1, 7, and 13 respectively. Only a week ago, they were a steady 8 seconds regardless of champion level, which meant they could trigger more than once within the same fight with a good strategy, like a well-timed Decoy (W). The longer cooldowns significantly impact this ability, as it could maybe be used late in the game. Additionally, its strength - according to the latest tweets from Nathan Lutz, Riot’s champion designer - is 10% of the champion’s maximum health.

Another significant change is the fact that his W, which used to be on cooldown for 24/21/18/15/12 seconds, is now unusable for 22/20/18/16/14 seconds depending on level. This tweak lets him dash around a bit more during the laning phase, but along with a build that has its fair share of cooldown reduction, also makes him extremely mobile late in the game. This is not the only ability with changes - Crushing Blow (Q) will most likely have a wider range of damage percentage depending on level (something that will become available during the next PBE deploy) with an increased cost by 5, while Nimbus Strike (E) has its cost decreased by the same amount.

It certainly seems like one of the most anticipated reworks in recent League history may not be ready to go live yet as the team is most likely tweaking Wukong to match the current meta. However, Lutz also adds in his tweet that VFX and animation are “underway,” which means they’re nearing the completion of the project, and Wukong mains will be able to breathe easier relatively soon.

As for who will be the next champion to receive an update, Riot Games will let players decide through its Champion Update Poll in order to prove they’re listening to their fanbase. A new list will be available later this year, while the next ones in the rework queue are Volibear and Fiddlesticks. In the meantime, while I wait for Fiddlesticks to hopefully become even more OP, I’ll have new playing styles for Wukong to test out…

… and probably lose many, many games.