According to a recent leak, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s battle royale mode will allow 200 players to battle amongst one another until only one of them is left standing. This would make the mode the largest of its kind, doubling the battle royale player count of games like Fortnite and PUBG.

Although Modern Warfare’s battle royale mode hasn’t been officially announced, it seems as if every other day new information on the game mode is leaked. Just last week we learned that it will be named “Warzone” and that the mode will also be free-to-play - meaning you won’t even have to purchase Modern Warfare to play it.

It makes sense that Modern Warfare would adopt a battle royale mode, especially considering the massive success that the genre has experienced over the last few years in other titles. Now, they hope to up the ante on the battle royale scene by supporting double the number of players usually allowed on one map.

If they are in fact looking to add a player count of 200, the latest Call of Duty title will need to introduce some pretty expansive battle royale maps. Fortnite and PUBG both have maps much larger than anything we’ve seen in a Call of Duty game before, and that’s with a player count of 100.

Either way, Modern Warfare’s decision to embrace a battle royale mode does a great job of showing us where the game is headed. While Activision does have another Call of Duty title slated to hit shelves in 2020, the company also stated that it’s going to continue to support Modern Warfare because of how popular and successful the game has become.

They’ve proven to be true to their word thus far, doing plenty of work to keep Modern Warfare updated with new battle passes, maps, and game modes. Adding classic Call of Duty maps has been a huge plus too, especially considering the game’s weak roster of maps at launch.

Overall, players have praised Modern Warfare for feeling a lot like the late 2000s Call of Duty titles that caused them to fall in love with the franchise. Now, the game will be foraying into modern genres while continuing to stay true to its roots.

Source: GameRant

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