The Triforce has been The Legend of Zelda’s defining symbol since the franchise began in 1986. The first game was all about Link finding the Triforce. Come the second game, the Triforce is given its third piece and takes center stage once again. By A Link to the Past, the Triforce had finally made its full, complete appearance.

For as visually identical as the three Triforce pieces are, each piece has its own distinct set of powers and abilities. The Triforce may be at its strongest when it’s complete, but it’s at its most interesting when it’s split apart. Often hidden in the background with Princess Zelda, the Triforce of Wisdom is perhaps the most fascinating piece.

10 The Piece That Started It All

While Link’s main goal in The Legend of Zelda is to save Hyrule from Ganon’s clutches (while saving Princess Zelda in the process,) he spends most of the game tracking down pieces of the Triforce. Specifically, the Triforce of Wisdom which Ganon presumably shattered. By the end of the game, Link reassembles the Triforce of Wisdom and defeats Ganon.

Interestingly, the animated series features the Triforce of Wisdom fairly heavy. It’s the piece of the Triforce that Link is instructed to keep safe. As the series went on, however, the Triforce of Wisdom would fade into the background while the Triforce of Courage took center stage.

9 The First Piece Of The Triforce To Shatter

On that note, this also means that the Triforce of Wisdom is the first piece of the Triforce to break apart. At least as far as release order goes. The Triforce pieces would remain whole up until the release of The Wind Waker where the Triforce of Courage was shattered very much like the Triforce of Wisdom.

This is something The Wind Waker does rather deliberately. Not only does TWW pay tribute to Ocarina of Time, it also pays a lot homage to the first game, to the point where it was the most exploration heavy 3D Zelda before Breath of the Wild. The broken Triforce pieces were just another way to link the games together.

8 One Half Of The Original Triforce

It’s also worth noting the fact that the Triforce of Wisdom was introduced not as one-third of the Triforce, but one half. The original Legend of Zelda only mentions two Triforce pieces: the Triforce of Wisdom and the Triforce of Power. The next game would introduce the Triforce of Courage, but the first game seems to suggest that the Triforce is made up of two halves.

This likely explains the role the Triforce of Wisdom plays in the animated series. More importantly, it’s a glimpse at the series’ once rather thoughtless lore. A Link to the Past would help solidify the mythology but at the expense of the Triforce of Wisdom’s importance.

7 Zelda’s Signature Piece

An important reason why the Triforce of Wisdom isn’t more prominent in the series is due to the fact that Zelda herself spends most games in the background. What the Triforce of Power is for Ganon and the Triforce of Courage is for Link, the Triforce of Wisdom is for Zelda. It’s her signature piece whenever she has a Triforce piece.

It also makes sense since she’s the smartest of the trio. Link doesn’t talk so he can’t really engage intellectually through text and Ganon, while sometimes wise, is mostly just a brute who wants the Triforce to take over Hyrule. Zelda is typically the only character who spouts genuine Wisdom. Cast in point: Sheik.

6 Wisdom Is Governed By Nayru

Not only does each piece of the Triforce have its own unique property but they’re also all governed by and associated with different Goddesses. The Triforce of Power is Din’s, the Triforce of Courage is Farore’s, and the Triforce of Wisdom is Nayru’s. Interestingly, despite the connection, Nayru should inherently have to Zelda, they rarely intersect on a thematic level.

There’s also the fact that Zelda herself has been recontextualized as a reincarnation of Hylia, giving her a completely different signature Goddess. Even then, though, Zelda’s displays of wisdom do suggest that Nayru’s influence is present, even if it seems unlikely Nintendo will ever linger on the pair’s dynamic.

5 Zelda Usually Already Has The Triforce Of Wisdom

Where Link and Ganon typically need to obtain their pieces of the Triforce whenever they appear, Princess Zelda usually already has the Triforce whenever she appears. There’s nothing to suggest she doesn’t already have the Triforce of Wisdom in Ocarina of Time, and both The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess feature Zeldas who already have their Triforce part.

Even Breath of the Wild Zelda already has her piece of the Triforce. It’s very rare for Zelda to appear and then get the Triforce of Wisdom, though this is usually because Zelda herself isn’t a character the games actively focus on, Skyward Sword and BotW excluded.

4 Blue Wisdom

In a series as color-coded as The Legend of Zelda, it perhaps goes without saying that each Goddess has her own color. Din is red, Farore is green, and Nayru is blue. As Nayru is the Goddess who governs over the Triforce of Wisdom, its color would, in turn, be blue. Naturally, Zelda doesn’t really stray from the course on this front.

That said, it’s only blue by proxy of Nayru. Zelda herself actually doesn’t wear any major blue highlights in the 3D games (outside of Breath of the Wild.) Even more interestingly, the animated series featured a green Triforce of Wisdom.

3 The Triforce Of Wisdom Was Incomplete In The Adult Timeline

In general, the Adult Timeline isn’t particularly kind to the Triforce. The Triforce of Power is implied to be dormant within Ganondorf, the Triforce of Courage is outright broken into pieces by the time Link gets around to it, and the Triforce of Wisdom has a piece held hostage by the King of Red Lions.

Interestingly, The Wind Waker more or less confirms that it’s the Triforce of Wisdom which can change Zelda’s appearance. This was implied in Ocarina of Time through Sheik, but Tetra’s Triforce focused transformation marks one of the few instances of the Triforce explicitly doing something to someone.

2 The Triforce Of Wisdom Rejects Zelda In Breath Of The Wild

While Zelda ultimately manifests her powers in the end (and stronger than ever it seems,) Breath of the Wild marks the only time in the series where the Triforce refuses to resonate with a chosen one. No matter what Zelda does, she simply cannot make use of her implied possession of the Triforce of Wisdom.

Interestingly, Breath of the Wild never makes mention of the Trifroce’s relation to Ganondorf or Zelda. By the time BotW starts, it doesn’t seem like anyone in Hyrule even says the word “Triforce” anymore. While it manifests inside of Zelda, it seems the Triforce is all but forgotten— the Triforce of Wisdom included.

1 Wisdom And The Light Arrows

In the way that Link is connected to the Master Sword, Princess Zelda is connected to the light arrows. Or is she? Every single time Zelda uses the Light Arrows, it’s always combined with her having the Triforce of Wisdom. The Light Arrows aren’t Zelda’s weapon, they’re the Triforce of Wisdom’s.

It seems quite clear that the Triforce of Wisdom is what allows Zelda to conjure up the Light Arrows. She even gives them to Link after discussing the Triforce with him in Ocarina of Time. Zelda with the Triforce even uses the Light Arrows against Ganondorf in both The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.

NEXT: A Definitive Ranking of Every Console Zelda Game