LEGO Marvel’s Avengers, the anticipated follow-up to LEGO Marvel Superheroes, is finally here. We’re streamed it live with Alice and Tom, but you can catch up here. Click here to subscribe.

All your favourites are back in this sequel – Hammer Man, Strong Man, American Man, Rich Man, Forgettable Man and Scarlett Johansson Man. Jim’s so excited he can barely type bad jokes. If you want to hear more of his bad jokes, and terrible regional accents, check out Fallout 4: Geordie Apocalypse.

No but seriously we love Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and that other guy.

There are as many LEGO games as there are Marvel characters, covering every major franchise from Harry Potter to Jurassic Park, but they all follow the same basic formula as the original LEGO Star Wars, and that came out in 2005, when you were almost eleven years younger than you are now. Isn’t that terrifying? Some of you might only be eleven. If that’s the case you should probably leave because Alice is a bit of a potty mouth (in fairness, it’s in the job description).

Alice does a lot of streaming alongside Jim, Burns and Tom, and we play everything from LEGO games to RPGs to Triple-A shooters. Click here for more!

Is the LEGO game series getting tired, then? Maybe. But new innovations such as the toys-to-life game LEGO Dimensions are helping to keep it fresh, and the games themselves are getting more and more complex. Both the Marvel games feature a fully explorable open-world Manhattan, for example.

Still. It’s LEGO innit.