One of the most creative toys ever known to mankind is LEGO. Created decades ago, the LEGO company wanted to encourage creativity by literally giving kids the building blocks to create whatever their hearts desired. While that’s still a massive philosophy of theirs, a lot of their revenue comes from licensed products.

Over the years, LEGO has produced toys and sets based on properties like SpongeBob SquarePants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings. While not all of them were successful, a lot of them were memorable.

As it stands now, LEGO is known for making sets based on big Hollywood blockbusters that are scheduled to come out. However, they release the respective sets before the movie debuts to the public so that people can feed their hype a little. While that probably brings them more money, the issue is that their sets tend to be quite spoiler-y when it comes to what’s included.

Particularly in “geek” culture, LEGO sets are often seen as the emissaries of specific details about the latest releases that are coming to theaters. Many people aren’t too happy about it.

On that note, here are 20 LEGO sets that totally spoiled their movies.

20 Flying Fox: Batmobile Airlift Attack

There was a lot of speculation surrounding DC’s Justice League film when it came to the villain. We knew that it would be Steppenwolf, a character who was inexplicably connected to Darkseid. Apart from a weird cameo in Batman V Superman, though, no one was sure how the character was going to look.

Then LEGO came in to set us all straight.

Revealing that Steppenwolf was going to be a massive character who towered over the rest of the Justice League members, that was (more or less) what was in the final cut of the film. That said, there was a bit more color on the LEGO version than the actual movie version. He was just a big gray guy, so LEGO had to spice things up a bit.

19 Superhero Airport Battle

Marvel movies are what LEGO seems to spoil on a consistent basis. However, their biggest spoiler came from the Superhero Airport Battle set. This was based on Captain America: Civil War, a movie that was already getting a lot of attention for having a massive amount of superheroes in it at once.

We already knew that Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man was going to make an appearance as a comrade for Captain America, but we didn’t know the extent of his powers yet. However, LEGO was ready to give it to us. The Superhero Airport Battle set allows people to have a full-build of Giant-Man. This was a huge spoiler for the film, revealing that Ant-Man had unlocked the ability to grow in size rather than just shrink.

18 The Fountain Of Youth

One of the franchises that no one knows why is still going on is Pirates of the Caribbean. The fourth film in the series, On Stranger Tides, shows Captain Jack and the rest of the classic pirates going on a quest to locate the Fountain of Youth. Knowing the fact that the location is typically a legend, there could’ve been a chance that the same could be said for the movie.

However, LEGO wasn’t keen on keeping their audience in the dark.

The Fountain of Youth was a LEGO set that featured both Jack Sparrow and Barbossa at the Fountain of Youth, thus spoiling any aspect of discovery in the film. That said, the movie wasn’t all that interesting, so audiences aren’t missing a whole lot.

17 Wonder Woman Warrior Battle

One of the pieces of Wonder Woman that was kept in the dark was the villain. We knew that Doctor Poison would be appearing for Diana Prince’s big screen debut, but there was talk that someone bigger was on the rise. Many people speculated that Ares would appear in the movie (partially due to the World War I setting), but nothing had been confirmed.

Then LEGO came in to save the day. Their set based on the movie, Wonder Woman Warrior Battle depicted that Ares would indeed be the central antagonist of the movie. That said, they made him to be a massive full-build character, and he doesn’t closely resemble the version that’s actually in the film. Still, people waiting to be surprised were sorely disappointed when they saw it.

16 Trash Compactor Escape

After the success of both Toy Story and Toy Story 2, many people were ecstatic to hear that Pixar would be continuing the franchise years later with Toy Story 3. Now that Andy is headed off to college, it made everyone wonder what would happen to all of our favorite toys and what the future would hold.

It led to one of the most heart-wrenching scenes, where all of the toys are holding hands as they fall down to the trash compactor.

For a moment, we actually believed they were going to perish. Those who saw the Trash Compactor Escape LEGO set weren’t on the edge of their seats, though. The toy had already revealed that the Aliens would save Woody and the gang with a giant crane. So much for suspense.

15 Malibu Mansion Attack

We all knew that Tony Stark’s mansion would be targeted in Iron Man 3 (it was in the trailers after all). What we didn’t know is what the details of the scene would be. How would Tony survive? Would he even be in his home when it happened? Would Pepper perish as a result?

Those waiting and anticipating what would happen would’ve been spoiled had they seen the Malibu Mansion Attack LEGO set. It has everything you might expect, the Mandarin in a helicopter, and a Tony Stark figure. Where it does spoil the movie is that Pepper Potts is the minifigure inside the Iron Man suit rather than Tony Stark, which is what happened in the film.

14 Temple Of The Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was a painful attempt at trying to bring a classic film franchise to a new audience. That said, the movie tried to have a serious twist at the end involving the Crystal Skull that they tried to keep under wraps. Apparently, LEGO didn’t get the memo.

The Temple of the Crystal Skull set contains just about all of the goodies you might imagine, but it also reveals the twist about the skull itself.

There are several alien skeleton builds in the set that have versions of the Crystal Skull on their heads, thus ruining the twist for anyone that cared enough to wait for the movie to come out. Regardless of the quality of the film, Internet-savvy people weren’t shocked by the reveal.

13 Indominus Rex Breakout

Jurassic World did a good job of showing, in its trailers, much of what fans of Jurassic Park wanted to see while still keeping their left hook under wraps. We knew that there would be a new kind of dinosaur, but no one was quite sure what it would be or look like. As you might imagine, LEGO was ready to show it to the world.

The Indominus Rex Breakout set reveals the new dinosaur in full view, complete with its white color scheme and massive size. Furthermore, the title alone also states that the Indominus would break out of its cage, though that likely doesn’t come as a surprise to many people. It’s an impressive dinosaur mini-figure (if you can call it “mini”), but it might’ve been better to wait to reveal it.

12 Escape From The Mirkwood Spiders

Once upon a time, Peter Jackson was brought back to Warner Bros to do a trilogy on The Hobbit. When he originally took over, the goal was to do two movies titled An Unexpected Journey and There and Back Again. That vision was almost realized, to the point where LEGO even had sets made appropriately for it. Then Warner Bros changed it to a trilogy, but LEGO still had a set containing content that was no longer going to be in the first film.

Because of this, they decided to release the set as a “preview” to The Desolation of Smaug.

It reveals that the Dwarves would encounter the spiders of Mirkwood and that Legolas and Tauriel would be the ones to save them. Needless to say, Middle-Earth fans were a little jaded at this spoiler, but more jaded that the book was split into a trilogy.

11 Loki’s Cosmic Cube Escape

There was a lot of excitement surrounding The Avengers. It was the first movie of its kind, and everyone wanted to know what was going to happen. We knew that the villain would be Loki, Thor’s psychotic brother, but we weren’t sure how we would try and conquer New York. Thankfully, LEGO was kind enough to give us a few details on his plan.

The set, Loki’s Cosmic Cube Escape, didn’t reveal too much, but it gave us a good picture of the first act of the film. The set shows Loki holding the Tesseract on the back of a SHIELD van with Hawkeye driving. It told audiences that Loki would take the Cube from SHIELD and that Hawkeye would somehow be working for him. Those wanting to go into The Avengers blind might’ve been upset when they saw this one on store shelves.

10 Attack On Avengers Tower

Ultron is one of the most sadistic and brilliant Avengers villains ever created. This caused fans to speculate as to how the robot would bring an end to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Once again, LEGO was all too eager to let us know with their set based on the movie, Attack on Avengers Tower.

In the set, we see the Avengers fighting Ultron robots in their home territory.

On top of having Ultron mini-figures, it seems that LEGO inexplicably revealed that Ultron would also take over Iron Man suits to fight the Avengers and that Loki’s scepter from the first Avengers movie had a big part to play in the film. LEGO fans weren’t surprised when the movie came out.

9 Ecto-1 & 2

One of the most recent reboots that stirred up a lot of controversy was 2016’s Ghostbusters movie. It was essentially a modern re-telling of the classic movie with an all-female cast this time around. Many people questioned what the purpose of the film was. Still, LEGO was ready to turn this franchise into another theme for their construction toys.

However, they weren’t above spoiling the movie either. The Ecto-1 & 2 set revealed the car that the new Ghostbusters would drive, but that’s not why the set is on this list. Chris Hemsworth’s mini-figure was also shown to be possessed by a demon, which was a plot point in the film. For anyone who legitimately wanted to see the movie, they likely stayed away from LEGO after they spoiled that.

8 Poe’s X-Wing Fighter

When it came to The Force Awakens, there was nothing worse you could do than spoil the movie for anyone else. Weeks after the movie came out, people were refusing to talk about it for the sake of keeping spoilers intact for everyone else who hadn’t the chance to see it yet. Unfortunately, LEGO wasn’t part of this crowd, as their sets had some key information about the movie.

Among them was Poe’s X-Wing Fighter, which revealed that Poe Dameron was a new character in the movie.

On top of that, it was also revealed that the Resistance would be a big part of the film, likely created from the ashes of the Rebellion. It’s a nice set, but one that people couldn’t fully enjoy until after watching the movie.

7 Clash Of Heroes

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice boasted a fight between the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel. The trailers gave us small snippets of how that would take place. But we weren’t given any full details. As with most big movies, LEGO had the licensing to produce sets based on the movie. They were ready to drop some key details.

In the Clash of Heroes set, we see an armored Batman and an angry Superman on a rooftop ready to battle each other. However, where it starts to venture into spoiler territory is with Batman’s mini-figure. He is given a gun with Kryptonite. This reveals that the green rock is how he’d beat the Kryptonian. After speculation on whether the film would use it for the fight or not, this was a disappointing spoiler.

6 The Ultimate Battle For Asgard

Thor: Ragnarok was destined to be one of the most bombastic Marvel movies to date. LEGO was ready to capitalize on it. When else would they have the opportunity to have an armored Hulk mini-figure and a new Thor in the same set? That said, there were several things about the film that fans were unsure of. This is especially considering how the movie was loosely adapting the Ragnarok and Planet Hulk storylines respectively.

That said, LEGO was eager to drop some information.

They didn’t just reveal that Fenris Wolf would be in the movie. They also showed that Thor would have lightning powers in place of his hammer. Furthermore, they revealed that Bruce Banner would appear in the climax. This meant he wouldn’t be Hulk the whole time.

5 The Hulkbuster Smash

After the first Avengers movie, audiences wondered how Marvel would top themselves the second time around. Many people said that using the Hulkbuster armor and having Tony and Bruce duke it out would be one way to go. That said, there needed to be some reason for the Hulk and Iron Man to fight. It had to go beyond “Hulk is angry and uncontrollable.”

While there were some rumors as to how this would happen, LEGO put a lot of them to rest. The Hulkbuster Smash revealed that the two would be going head to head as well. They also showed the reason. It was shown in the set that Scarlet Witch would be responsible. She messes with the Hulk’s mind and making him go on a rampage. This could only be stopped by the Hulkbuster armor.

4 The Avengers Quinjet City Chase

We all knew that there was going to be a high-octane chase sequence in Avengers: Age of Ultron. But the context was a bit unclear. Why would Ultron be on the streets and not in some lair preparing for his final assault? Those who really wanted to know were glad to see LEGO come through once more. They revealed some key plot details.

The Vision was already announced to be in the movie.

But no one was sure how we was going to be incorporated. In the comics, he was created by Ultron. As it turns out, that was exactly what LEGO told us in The Avengers Quinjet City Chase. The reason Earth’s Mightiest Heroes were chasing down the metal robot was because they needed to grab the Vision. This was so Ultron couldn’t create an ultimate weapon.

3 Lord Business’ Evil Lair

Leave it to LEGO to spoil their own movie. At least they’re being consistent. When The LEGO Movie was coming out, the company took the opportunity to make several sets based on the film. Among them was Lord Business’ Evil Lair, which is about as self-explanatory as you can get for a LEGO set.

However, it revealed a few key details about the movie. The first is that the Kragle would be important to the story in some way. The second is that it showed that Good Cop/Bad Cop’s parents would be frozen by the Kragle in some way. Strangely, though, the set didn’t include Good Cop/Bad Cop to grieve over his own parents. That might’ve been an attempt for people who just saw the set to not instantly make a connection.

2 Hulk’s Helicarrier Breakout

The Helicarrier is an impressive machine in Marvel Comics history. We’re glad it was fully brought to life in The Avengers. We were guaranteed that things wouldn’t go well once Loki discovered where they were hiding. The specifics of the God of Mischief’s plan were unclear. But LEGO told us what one of his angles was. According to the Hulk’s Helicarrier Breakout, Bruce Banner would be stressed enough to turn into the Hulk.

He would go on a rampage in the Helicarrier.

On top of that, the set also revealed that Thor would be the one to go toe to toe with the beast. He would try and get him to stop going on a crazy rampage on a military base in the sky. Needless to say, people who liked LEGOs and The Avengers would’ve been spoiled.

1 Avengers: Infinity War Sets

To be fair, Avengers: Infinity War hasn’t come out yet. But there are already several rumors that have been seemingly confirmed thanks to various LEGO sets. For one, LEGO Spider-Man in the wave has the robotic tentacles like the Iron Spider suit in the comics. That’s not all they’ve seemingly spoiled, though.

They’ve confirmed that the black creatures fighting the Avengers are, indeed, the Outriders from the comics. Furthermore, they’ve shown that Thor, Rocket, and Groot, will team up for Thor. He’ll get an axe in replacement of his hammer. But that’s not all. They’ve also revealed that the one wearing the Hulkbuster 2.0 armor is none other than Bruce Banner himself.