This article is for those people who need to know all their options, or who flip to the end of a book first. We’re going to explore all the different endings for Life Is Strange 2, seven in all, and look at the pivotal choices that lead to each one.

Even more so than we’ve seen before, your small choices can have an impact on how the brothers’ story ends up. We split these choices up so you can see how each path diverges. Obviously this contains spoilers, lots of spoilers, so be prepared.

Daniel’s Morality

Daniel’s morality is the most important feature of how the endings unfold. At the end of the final episode, Sean will have to make a choice to either surrender or ask Daniel to use his powers to get the pair past a police blockade.

The consequences of both of these choices are dependent on Daniel’s morality, leading to four distinctly different endings. From there the other three endings are variants on these, caused by more minor choices made throughout the game.

Daniel’s morality is affected throughout the entire game by the player’s actions as Sean. You’re setting an example to your brother through the entire narrative, regardless of if you realized or not. His morality is directly tied to your own, so your choices need to be in line with what you wish for his.

Sean is given certain options such as an opportunity to refuse to steal, a chance to curb Daniel’s swearing and occasions where he can help Daniel use his powers for good. Choosing these paths will help steer Daniel’s morality so he realizes the pair are not criminals, but simply brothers who got caught up in chaos.

Alternatively, you can encourage Daniel to swear, steal, and use his powers to look out for you both, with little to no regard for who else gets hurt (or even killed) in the process. This will lead to low morality in Daniel.

High Morality Endings

When you get to the border with high morality, you can access either the Redemption ending or Parting Ways. The first happens if you surrender and the second if you choose to ask Daniel to use his powers.


The Redemption ending is where all debts are paid. Daniel briefly considers using his powers but quickly realizes he doesn’t want to hurt people. As Sean surrenders he reminds Daniel that they are doing the right thing and to remember what he taught him.

Sean spends the next 15 years in jail, while Daniel grows up under his grandparents care, going on to use his powers for good.

After Sean is released from jail, we see Daniel and Karen waiting for him. The two brothers spend a night camping in the woods, in a spot from the early game, before parting ways at the end, driving off in separate cars.

Parting Ways

Even if Daniel has high morality, you can still choose to ask him to use his powers. At first, he refuses to hurt anyone, but as Sean continues to drive Daniel moves the cars to clear his path before jumping out of the car himself.

As before, Daniel grows up in his grandparents’ care, although this time his life montage images are slightly different.

Six years later we see Daniel open a letter from Sean, containing images of him in Puerto Lobos, showing he remained free. We also see Daniel calling Karen, so we know he stayed in touch with his mother as well.

Redemption Variant

The high morality endings are the only ones with variants, so for all of these you need to access the endings above, after having completed the other requirements. Lyla only appears in the redemption ending.

Redemption - Lyla Variant

The redemption ending has one variant, which puts Lyla outside the jail with Daniel and Karen. To access this, you need to have called Lyla in episode one. If you do, you’ll access another option to call her later, which leads to this variant.

Parting Ways Variants

The Parting Ways ending has two variants which see an extra image added showing Sean with either Cassidy or Finn. To access these endings, you need to have romanced the appropriate person earlier in the game.

Cassidy Variant

Cassidy can be wooed by listening to her sing, getting drunk with her and allowing her to make choices for you, like cutting your hair or choosing your tattoo. You can also swim with her, kiss her, refuse to join the heist, and even spend the night with her.

However, these choices will affect your relationship with Daniel and can get her injured, so choose with caution.

Finn Variant

Finn can also be wooed by your new haircut - however, you need to have a conversation about sexuality with him in order to unlock further interactions, including the option to say boys are cute. If you agree to the heist, it will impress Finn and lead to a romance.

Later, assuming Finn survives, you can speak to him in the hospital and choose to forgive him, leading to this ending.

Low Morality Endings

The two alternative low morality endings play out if you lead Daniel down a bad path. Neither has variants, and the first is especially heartbreaking. The endings are Lone Wolf and Blood Brothers.

Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf shows Sean choosing to surrender at the border. However, Daniel refuses to accept this, using his powers to clear a path and drive through the police and the border beyond. Once on the other side Daniel happily tells Sean they are free - but when he turns around, he sees Sean has been shot.

The next heartbreaking montage shows Sean died and Daniel never recovered, instead pursuing the life of a criminal in Puerto Lobos, showing only a small sign of morality after he spares a life right at the end.

Blood Brothers

The final ending, Blood Brothers, sees both brothers survive the crossing after Daniel uses his powers at Sean’s instruction. Six years later, we see them working on cars in Puerto Lobos. When gang members appear, Daniel uses his powers to hurt them, showing he still values brotherhood more than morality.

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