Episodic adventure video game Life is Strange was released back in 2015. Players follow the story of Max Caulfield, an eighteen-year-old aspiring photographer who attends Blackwell Academy in Arcadia Bay, Oregon. Seemingly out of nowhere, Max finds herself with the ability to rewind time and uses this power to solve a dark secret in her hometown.

What made this game such a hit upon its initial release was its interesting plot coupled with difficult choices players have to make along the way. Some actions will have minimal effects, while others are the difference between life and death. Here look at the most difficult choices you have to make and what comes next. Some of these you may not have even realized would have dire consequences.

10 Help Or Ignore Alyssa Anderson

Alyssa Anderson is a minor character in Life is Strange but makes reoccurring appearances throughout the episodes. While she appears insignificant with few lines, she can be linked to a hard decision in the game you likely didn’t even spot. What makes this a difficult decision is not any emotional aspect but rather the fact that it requires several minor actions to achieve the desired outcome.

In the final episode of the game, if Max didn’t prevent Alyssa from suffering from any of  the minor accidents that occur during the story then she will die. Even a single missed event throughout the game will result in Alyssa falling to her death.

9 Ridicule Or Comfort Victoria

Victoria Chase is not Max’s biggest fan and its safe to say that the feeling is mutual. In the final episode, based on how you treat Victoria during certain events in the game, she may be beside Max in the darkroom.

If this happens, she will end up being murdered by Jefferson. What makes this hard on the player is the fact that to keep Victoria safe, you have to be mean to her. There are several events that will require Max to act negatively towards Victoria in order to spare her the darkroom.

8 Pull The Plug Or Just Leave

At first, saving Chloe’s dad seems like a good idea but it ends up being one of the biggest mistakes of the game. Chloe is unsatisfied with the present in which her biological father is deceased but when Max takes the opportunity to save him, the results are incredibly upsetting.

If William, Chloe’s father, lives through Max’s intervention then another tragic event takes place. Chloe suffers an accident that leaves her paralyzed and puts a huge financial burden on her family. Chloe requests for Max to end her suffering. Even though this timeline will be corrected regardless of your choice, this is a very difficult decision on many levels.

7 Prevent Kate Jumping Yes Or No

Kate Marsh is a good, conservative classmate of Max. In the beginning, Kate is the subject of rumors and the whole situation is cloaked in mystery and shady happenings. Max will have several opportunities to either ignore the situation or be a good friend to Kate.

In episode two, Max will have to talk Kate off the school’s roof and based on how you treated her earlier this will be easy or hard. Every selection in your interactions with Kate makes a difference in whether she lives or not. Both outcomes are incredibly emotional and cannot be reversed.

6 Try to Shoot Frank Yes Or No

Even though Chloe is a beloved character for her rough around the edges demeanor, she makes some questionable choices. Episode two offers a troublesome ultimatum for Max where she has the choice to try and shot Frank or not.

Based on your selection, Frank will either be a friend or an enemy but either way, you’ll have to convince to help you later in the game. An additional influence this has is that it will lead to a kiss or hug in the “Sacrifice Chloe” ending.

5 Who To Blame

David, Jefferson, and Nathan are all on a different level of sketchy. After Kate’s moment on the roof, regardless of its outcome, you are given the choice of who to blame for the incident. It is at this point that things are not entirely clear so the player is forced to guess the truly guilty party.

Based on this choice, this character, along with others, will treat you differently which will affect the game. However, there is also the possibility that Max will be suspended or no action will be taken against any party.

4 Kiss Chloe Yes or No

The connection between Chloe and Max is undeniable. Chloe is still recovering from the disappearance of Rachel Amber but players see how her reunion with Max helps her through the fog.

Max has the option to kiss Chloe, if she does this then the two of them will begin to develop a more romantic relationship and if not then it will continue as a platonic friendship. This may not be the most dramatic option be it had a huge impact on the audience.

3 Taking Frank’s Life

Chloe and Max’s meeting with Frank in episode 4 can go one of three ways. They will either kill him, wound him or be able to come to a consensus with him.

In the grand scheme of things, each choice will not have a tremendous impact on events to come but taking a life is a serious matter. If Frank lives, Max will be able to talk to him and based on the players’ choices, the two will interact in a certain way.

2 Saving Everybody

When the storm finally hits Arcadia Bay, Max is put in a position of protecting several of the residents. This leads to several events where you have to stop, rewind and try to figure out a way to save them, if possible.

The difficulty is that specific people have certain requirements needed to save them, such as Alyssa. With some, you have to warn them well in advance and others it’s just a matter of keeping an eye out for them. Not knowing how much control you have makes this incredibly difficult.

1 Save Chloe or Arcadia Bay

By far, the hardest choice to make in the game is whether to save Arcadia Bay or Chloe.  Max spends the whole game exploring Arcadia Bay and reconciling her lost bond with Chloe. When the game closes she realizes she has to choose, as the storm is directly linked to Chloe herself.

Either way, you end the game feeling sad at the loss as a result of your choice. Players of the second game were also surprised to find that it asks you what decision you made, and there are a couple of nods towards your choice during the story of Sean and Daniel.

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