Since the game picked up Steam within the Twitch community, Escape From Tarkov has quickly become one of the most exciting shooters on the market today. It seems every streamer has a tense highlight from the game, whether that be losing all their loot at the worst moment possible, annihilating the competition like John Wick, or surviving a vicious onslaught and emerging victorious. Popular streamer Lirik experienced exactly the latter in a recent stream, where he managed to fight his way out of a seemingly impossible situation to the amazement of his entire livestream chat.

The clip, which has now gone viral, shows the streamer pinned down by three heavily armed hostile players. Getting shot a number of times, Lirik gets backed up into a corner behind some trees, managing to take one of his attackers out with some well-placed shots before lying in the grass and waiting for the other two players to swarm him.

As one comes around the tree to his left he manages to take him down, with the third player coming in behind and managing to get some successful shots off at Lirik. The streamer manages to trade a few back before the opposing player retreats behind the trees, as Lirik gleefully realizes that he’s run out of ammo. As Tarkov players will know, reloading isn’t as simple as just pressing a button, with the game forcing the user to open their entire inventory to refill mags. By the time the opposing player is done reloading and has run back into position, Lirik has healed, equipped his gun, and is waiting for him. As he runs around the foliage he’s hit with a few of Lirik’s bullets before the streamer switches to a sniper rifle and fires a well-placed no scope shot that finishes his opponent.

The footage highlights an exhilarating moment that shows just how exciting and high-octane the gameplay of Escape From Tarkov can be, as Lirik’s encounter with three heavily armed players turns into a fast-paced, tactical firefight that he manages to escape from with his gear intact. It’s clear why the game has become such a streaming phenomenon, as the sheer excitement from Lirik after his survival can attest.

Of course, Lirik isn’t the only streamer currently enjoying Escape From Tarkov. Dr DisRespect has recently become quite the fan, streaming the game constantly, while Dr. Lupo and other influential names have jumped on board, too. It’s clear that the game has all the tools to become an internet phenomenon this year, especially as it managed to hold its own against the likes of Fortnite and Apex Legends as one of Twitch’s most-streamed titles in recent weeks.

Escape From Tarkov is out now for PC.