Media Molecule is sparing no expense when it comes to LittleBigPlanet 2. In addition to the other innovations announced for the upcoming sequel, the developers are now including voice recording. Those who were lucky enough to get into the LBP 2 beta will be able to try out this new creation tool along with the “Pins” feature, which allows players to earn in-game achievements while exploring the near endless worlds of LBP 2. It’s not all good news, though. Unfortunately, for you 3D enthusiasts out there, LittleBigPlanet 2 will only be seen in two dimensions.

We know voice recording can be applied to the Sackbots in the game, but it is still unknown if other uses will be available. Using a headset, gamers will be able to record pretty much anything they want the Sackbots to say. Given the level of power Media Molecule is placing in the players’ hands, we’re guessing that voice recordings likely won’t be limited to just the Sackbots. While this is an awesome feature, which could lead to some hilarious scenarios, this addition could also cause some awkward and uncomfortable moments.

The LittleBigPlanet series is aimed at all audiences, and it will only take one person to include something offensive to set off a firestorm on the internet. That being said, Media Molecule has done a good job at filtering offensive content out of the first iteration of LBP, and hopefully, they’ll be just as successful with the sequel.

One YouTube user by the name of Sackinima created a video showing off the Pins and voice recording features of LBP 2. Some pins also have trophies attached to add another level of challenge to the game.  Check out the video below:

Many LBP fans are probably clamoring to create their own beat-boxing Ezio. Even better would be a beat-boxing Old Snake.

As to the exclusion of 3D technology, Sony did not offer any explanations. In a recent blog post on the PlayStation Blog, a reader asked if LBP 2 would receive the 3D treatment. Mark Valledor, Marketing Manager for SCEA, chimed in saying “sorry, no 3D this time around.” This might come as a disappointment for those who shelled out the extra cash for a new 3D TV.

Notwithstanding the lack of a third dimension, LittleBigPlanet 2 looks to be one heck of a powerful game creator and it releases on January 18th, 2011, exclusively on the PlayStation 3.

Source: PlayStation Blog