Valve is preparing to start selling Steam Deck startup videos in the Steam Points Shop, according to code found by SteamDB creator Pavel Djundik.

Custom boot videos for the Steam Deck have recently taken off, and Reddit user waylaidwanderer has even gone to the lengths of setting up the website SteamDeckRepo, dedicated to sharing videos for others to use.

Now it looks like Valve is jumping onto the trend, with references to “Steam Deck Startup Movies” found in code for the Points Shop.

The Points Shop will have a new section under its Steam Deck Items page for the videos. The text that pops up when redeeming points for a video will read: “Use your Steam Points to get this Steam Deck Startup Movie. You can set this movie to play when your Steam Deck starts up.”

While Steam Deck fans are already making custom boot screens, there’s also excitement for seeing official videos being made available by developers. There’s no word on when the videos wlil start being offered on the Points Shop or how many points one will cost. Maybe there’ll finally be a good reason to use those points you’ve been accumulating for two years.