LudoNarraCon, the online games convention focusing on narratively-driven indie games, will return to Steam this April.

So a lot of you are probably wondering just what the heck a “LudoNarraCon” is. It’s a convention. A games convention, to be precise. Only instead of everyone piling into a hotel somewhere to exchange handshakes and germs, LudoNarraCon takes place online. All of it.

“But wait,” you ask, “how the heck does that work?” Great question. It’s all hosted on Steam’s storefront. Instead of a giant room in a building where you walk around and see demos, you just click on various games’ storefronts to see those demos via the power of the internet. Truly, we live in the future.

It’s not just demos, of course. There’s also downloadable demos, livestream Q&A sessions with game developers, panels, and online chats with fellow fans.

LudoNarraCon is specifically aimed at indie developers looking to make a name for themselves in the weird world of narrative games. This can include things like visual novels, or more elaborate action RPGs. There are just two rules: it’s gotta be indie, and it’s gotta be a narratively-driven game.

“It’s free to attend, free to exhibit, has global reach and no one has to put on pants,” says Chris Wright, Managing Director at Fellow Traveller, the indie publisher that’s the driving force behind LudoNarraCon.

Last year saw 850,000 visitors attend at least one of LudaNarraCon’s online exhibits, and this year they hope to break the 1.5 million mark. And while last year’s convention happened in May, this year Fellow Traveller has decided to bump the start of LudoNarraCon up to April.

Steam’s storefront will showcase 30 exhibitors from April 24th to the 27th. Games on display will include Telling Lies, Eliza, Heaven’s Vault, Boyfriend Dungeon, Paradise Killer, Genesis Noir, and many, many more.

So if you like the idea of a games convention but hate the thought of putting on pants, then consider LudoNarraCon. It’s got all the benefits of a real gamer convention without the con crud. Or the pants.