The Luigi’s Mansion Franchise has three games in total. Objectively, all the games had the same goal which was to save Mario (and or friends) by defeating the ghostly enemies. Despite the different feel to each game from the others, there are certain attributes that long term fans of the game would notice or have opinions about.

While some similarities are subtle, others are direct gags taken from previous games. Although, the general feel of gameplay coupled with the overall sensation we got connected all three. Luigi armed himself with his vacuum each time, shivering in his overalls, ready to save anyone and everyone.

10 Professor E. Gadd

Professor E. Gadd has been present in all three games alongside Luigi. He has never been active in the field, but rather someone on the sidelines offering support when needed. He is a funny guy with an interesting look at the stereotypes associated with goofy scientists.

E. Gadd has always managed to arrive at the scene before Luigi to have everything set up and ready for the player to get started catching ghosts.

9 The Toads

The Toads have made themselves present in all three games of the series. All the Toads managed to find themselves in these terrifying situations for one reason or another but in the end, they could do nothing but be damsels in distress for Luigi to rescue.

The number of toads in each game various but their overall joyful and endearing presence is still known. Each toad needs to be rescued or calmed down in every game. Despite the minor roles they played, these iconic characters managed to make somewhat of an impact on players.

8 Searching for the Gems

Finding all the gems each game has to offer is one of the greatest achievements in any of the games. In the original game, gems could be gained through defeating enemies, catching small mice or finding a secret room. As the series progressed, gems were mostly acquired through searching each level and solving various puzzles.

Players of the first game will also be able to tell you that the purpose of gems has changed throughout the series. In the original game, gems were meant to be a means of the money that affected the grade of the game. Later down the line, they became a means of achievement. Collecting these gems is time-consuming, with some even requiring some backtrack, but many players welcome the challenge every time.

7 The Boos

King Boo and his followers have been the main antagonists in each game. This gang of delinquents have been in every game but have never failed to cause Luigi grief.

Along with their brand of mischief, the challenge to find and capture every Boo in the game has followed across the series. Furthermore, the creative names given to each Boo is an additional delight.

6 Progression Frustration

Getting into a new room, area or level is always frustrating in the best way. More often than not, whenever Luigi manages to get a hold of the item needed to progress it is taken.

When that is not the case, then it is simply fighting the right boss to progress which can be a challenge in and of itself. This occurrence occurred mostly in the second and third game but the first game was not without its moments.

5 Ghost Politics

The third game brought another perspective to the afterlife of a ghost in the universe of Luigi’s Mansion. Each game has brought in interesting look into how these ghosts spend their afterlife and their interactions with each other. It felt like each game had a different idea of what ghosts want and do which affected the story in all the games.

These interactions include those with the Boos. While some ghosts ignore each other, are friendly with each other or work together to take down Luigi, watching how the ghost behaves is an interesting treat.

4 Polterpup

Polterpup made their appearance in Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon but audiences fell in love with their presence to the point that they became an icon. Originally, this character was a playful hindrance but became a helpful ally the third time around.

Animal ghosts are no stranger to the Luigi’s Mansion world, with them being present in all three games. The fact that Polterpup was present in the third game made many fans happy and the intro of Polterkitty was an intriguing addition. The evolution of ghost animals is a noticeable bit of history for the franchise.

3 The Money

Much like reality, money has always played a crucial role in the games series. In the original game, the amount of money the player found determined the grade they got upon completion. However, the last two games have used the money to allow players to purchase various upgrades.

Luigi’s Mansion makes the hunt for money fun as it is not simply breaking random things to get it. There are puzzles and creative easter eggs that will have any player guessing and enjoying the experience throughout the game.

2 The Boss Fights

Boss fights usually prove to be the greatest challenges offered in a game and lead to the conclusion to levels. Aside from the second game, players have always loved the personality and character that went into each boss along with the unique actions that had to be taken to defeat them.

All the games made the boss fights interesting and made up some of the greatest parts of the individual games.

1 Luigi’s Fear

Even though this is the third game in the series Luigi still reacts the same as in the first game. Whether it is being locked in a room to face a horde of ghosts or simply walking around, almost all the movements and reactions are the same.

Anyone who has played all three games could honestly find Luigi’s actions amusing seeing how many times he has been put in similar situations, but still gets as scared as in the first game.

NEXT: Luigi’s Mansion 3: 10 Things To Do After You Beat The Game