The directing duo behind Making a Murderer, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, have said they would like to continue documenting the cases of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, stating the “story is obviously not over”.

The pair say they have spoken to Avery’s new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, about the prospect of new filming.

“From our perspective this story is obviously not over,” said Ricciardi During a Stranger Than Fiction panel discussion at New York’s IFC Center on Thursday. “It’s real life and (Avery’s and Brendan Dassey’s) cases are both still pending. We have no idea when the magistrate will make a decision in Brendan’s case. We do know that two potential outcomes are that the judge could order Brendan’s release or he could order a new trial. So we are on the edge of seats about that. To the extent that there are significant developments, we would like to continue documenting this (case).”

Avery’s civil lawyer and panel participant Stephen M. Glynn believes Ricciardi and Demos will find access in Wisconsin much harder to come by for a second season.

“There is a lot of hostility toward these two women in Wisconsin,” he explained. “The theory is that they have played Wisconsin unfairly. But among those people who think and are a little more educated and thoughtful about these sorts of issues, there is appreciation.”

Making a Murderer premiered 10 weeks ago on Netflix, and Ricciardi says the show has blown up.

“I’ve never really dealt with the press before except in the context of making the film,” Ricciardi said. “So to be the subject is different, but we are grateful that people have watched and engaged with the series because we made it to promote a dialogue. I can’t keep up with all the headlines and the tweets and I certainly can’t engage with all of it. The series has in many ways taken on a life of its own.”

Source: Variety