The legendary Italian plumber often gets all the credit for revitalizing the gaming medium in the mid 1980’s, but is that entirely fair? After all, jumping around through the Mushroom Kingdom wouldn’t have been any fun if it weren’t for the stakes involved thanks to his nemesis, Bowser.

Not to be confused with the similarly named member of throwback rock group Sha Na Na, Bowser has been a thorn in Mario’s side since the first Super Mario Bros.. To celebrate his long time adversary, the following list will present ten riotously funny memes about the king of the Koopas. These aren’t only for laughs, however; perhaps fans will gain a deeper understanding of him along the way.

10 Everybody Needs A Wingman

Perhaps Bowser and Mario are pals in a scheme to help the latter win the princess’ affection. People have done crazier things for love in the real world. The amount of planning and lying involved is a gargantuan effort, especially considering the charade has gone on for more than thirty years.

Super Mario Odyssey puts some holes in this theory, though, or maybe Bowser legitimately wanted to marry her too. Peach made the right call in rejecting both of them and opting to venture off on her own and see the world.

9 Bowser On A Browser

The amount rhyming action figures are countless, from Elf on a Shelf to Mensch on a Bench. Bowser on a Browser is added to the collection as the perfect holiday gift for the gamer in your life.

Who doesn’t want to see one of the most iconic characters in gaming reduced to a pun involving one of the most popular internet browsers? The king himself probably doesn’t appreciate the mockery, however. Maniacal villains are rarely partial to jokes made at their expense.

8 A Little Privacy Please

It’s hard to really tell what’s going on here. Is Bowser fighting with the other character or has a public display of affection gone a little too far? Kids play these games, and while nothing is wrong with showing love outside, limits exist.

It’s better than the alternative though, right? Would parents rather have their kids see two people over zealously kissing and hugging or beating the tar out of each other?

7 Wishing Well

Be careful what you wish for is an adage old as time. Desires often have unforeseen consequences. The poor woman in this picture probably didn’t realize universal pursuit from men would lead to Bowser knocking on her door.

Will Mario come and save her? Too bad she didn’t also wish for the love of an Italian plumber. She’s not Princess Peach, so it’s unlikely Mario will save any lady with the misfortune of falling into Bowser’s hands. Bowser, on the other hand, is pretty psyched to finally have a woman to marry without anyone getting in the way.

6 It Would Probably Be A Plus

Bowser would be smart to start thinking this way. Princesses and kingdoms are all well and good, but corporations are where the real money is. With Time Warner in his hands, he can spend his days screwing over cable customers and throttling their internet connection while charging for high-speed unlimited data.

If he got Disney, then he would be in control of almost every pop culture franchise on the planet. The potential is huge here, as he could influence the masses for generations to come.

5 Good With Kids

Bowser may not be the best baby sitter in the world. However, this type of attitude is becoming of a big brother or the older child of an extended family spending time with their younger cousins.

From an outsider’s perspective it may seem like the bigger person is a huge bully, but it’s more of a hazing ritual within the household. When those little kids beaten down on get older and newer members join the fray, they will have their turn to show the small fry who the boss is.

4 Just Another Distraction

This one may have little to do with Bowser himself, but those familiar with his move set from Super Smash Bros. can sympathize with the poor soul in the picture. Getting these intrusive thoughts in the dead of night is just as damaging as falling victim to the Koopa’s devastating down B move.

Just as there is no escape from thinking about the abbreviated spelling of okay’s resemblance to a stick man, one can rarely avoid the butt first death from above Bowser delivers to less experienced Smash players.

3 Father Of The Year

Bowser may be evil, selfish, cruel, and unforgiving, but he tries to be the best father he can be. Just like Tony Soprano doing all he can for the welfare of AJ and Meadow, so does Bowser try to make his many offspring comfortable and proud of their dad.

Hopefully the young child in the picture above takes the best qualities from his father and leaves the bad stuff behind.

2 It Does Fly, After All

Bowser’s kart is decked out and speaks to his personality. The clown copter, on the other hand, is an odd design choice. Granted, it can fly, but it doesn’t really show his character. It’s like he bought it second hand and had no choice in its aesthetic.

He definitely should have given it a redesign before trying to fight Mario. He had the high ground, but Mario and the gamer’s mockery of the clown face surely had a negative effect on his battle skills.

1 We’ve All Been There

We’ve all been here, right? Parents asking for your phone but you forgot to delete the history and you are worried they’ll see all the holiday shopping searches you have done while finding the perfect gift for them. Yes, that’s right; this meme is about not wanting to spoil the surprise gift for parents, and nothing else.

What other possibilities are there for parents discovering secrets hidden throughout internet searches? Maybe you’ve been looking up walkthroughs for video games and you’re afraid they will mock your dependence on internet guides.