There aren’t many video game characters that have been around as long as Princess Peach. She has appeared in all sorts of Mario games since the 80s. From brawling in Smash Bros. to competing in the Olympics, Mushroom Kingdom’s Princess has done it all. Although, she is mostly known for being captured time and again by Mario’s arch-nemesis Bowser.

Despite her role as a perpetual damsel in distress, she has still become one of Nintendo’s most popular characters. And as with any popular figure, she has been the subject of many memes. We’ve thoroughly searched the internet to find the best ones and put them into this list for you to enjoy.

10 Spam Mail

Everyone has received those emails from someone claiming to be a prince or princess from another country asking for help. Most people react to the spam mail the same way Mario does in this meme.

In this instance, it’s unfortunate for Peach, but what did she expect? No plumber in the world is going to believe a Princess is going to ask for their help to rescue them. This meme is a realistic depiction of how this whole thing would actually play out in the real world, yet a real kidnapper wouldn’t give their captive a laptop and WiFi.

9 Peach’s Inconsistent Abilities

This meme points out a lack of consistency in the Mario and Smash Bros. games. In Smash, the Princess has shown that she can hold her own in a fight, so why can she never save herself from abduction?

Sometimes it may be a case of Bowser catching her unawares, but in the hundreds of times shes been kidnapped, you would’ve thought she’d have had the chance to use her fighting abilities at least once. However, maybe this could be further evidence of the long-running theory that Peach actually wants to be with Bowser, so she’s getting captured on purpose.

8 They’re Just As Good

It was heartbreaking as a kid when you wanted to get some fast food, but one of your parents hit you with the dreaded, “We have food at home line.” While home-cooked fries can’t compete with McDonald’s wonderful offerings, replacing Princess Peach with the slightly scary Rabbid Peach might be even worse.

That’s not to say that Rabbid Peach is useless as she comes in handy at times during Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Yet, it’s unlikely she has the capability to run the entire Mushroom Kingdom. She might scare off a lot of Bowser’s army though.

7 Mario Has A Busy Life

Peach could really do with a hero who isn’t obsessed with taking part in every activity or sport he can. In Mario’s defense, he does invite her too, but as this meme shows, sometimes she’s unable to make it.

It’s unclear why Mario would go play tennis while his beloved is waiting to be saved, but maybe it was Toad or Donkey Kong who organized the event, and the plumber didn’t want to be rude. In all seriousness though, the visual of Bowser being bored while he also waits for Mario to arrive is hilarious.

6 Bowser Is A Great Host

This meme is an interesting prediction of what’s happening when you’re busy stomping on Goombas, avoiding Piranha Plants, and fighting the many Koopa Kids. It’s also another example that maybe the relationship between Bowser and Peach isn’t that heinous, and that the kidnapping allegations have been greatly exaggerated.

The funniest thing about this meme is the inclusion of Rosalina, as she has yet to ever be captured by Bowser, meaning she must’ve just come over for a nice get-together with the rumored kidnapper, his son, and his victim. Rosalina could at least give Mario a heads up that Peach is fine since he’s risking his life to save her.

5 A Princess Deserves The Best

Rescuing Peach has never been easy for Mario, as he has frequently survived a litany of obstacles just to find out from Toad that Peach is in another castle. If that isn’t annoying enough, there are times when Mario does save Peach, but then after thanking him, she tells him to do a harder quest.

How cruel is that? Let your hero have a break before sending him off on another adventure. Princess Peach is living up to Scumbag Steve’s legacy, and Mario should consider if she’s worth all the effort, maybe let Toadette rule the Mushroom Kingdom instead.

4 If Anyone Deserves A Blue Shell It’s Bowser

Unlike the last few entries, Mario is the bad guy in this meme, not Peach. This is because the plumber’s invite list for go-karting is very odd, it involves a ghost, multiple babies, and even a metal version of himself.

Yet, the strangest person he invites is Bowser. Mario’s ultimate adversary who constantly terrorizes Peach (allegedly) and the entire Kingdom gets asked to go go-karting. Maybe Mario sees it as the perfect opportunity to embarrass his nemesis, but if you know someone who is known for repeatedly abducting people, then don’t invite them to fun activities.

3 Mario Is The Menace

Another meme here that follows the theory that Peach and Bowser relationship isn’t what it seems, and in this one Peach is blatant about it.

The best part about this meme is how cavalier Peach is about what seems like a drastic situation. Her ex (or the guy who’s obsessed with her) keeps killing the person she wants to be with, and all she does is politely ask him to stop it. Mario should actually count himself lucky, as normally a letter from Peach leads him into an incredibly dangerous adventure, now at least she’s Bowser’s problem.

2 Cake Can Never Be Trusted

Speaking of Peach’s letters, at the start of Super Mario 64 you receive one that promises you a cake. However, when you get to the castle, Peach’s baking is predictably nowhere to be found, and you’re forced to save her again.

When Super Mario 64 came out in 1996, nobody had any reason to be suspicious of cakes. It wasn’t until 2007 when the first Portal game came out did the gaming industry become distrusting of the tasty treats. Portal’s “The cake is a lie,” line has since become iconic, but nobody could’ve known that when we got that letter from Peach all those years prior. Although, if Mario hadn’t trusted the cake, Bowser would’ve taken over the whole Kingdom.

1 Princess Peach’s Christmas List

As with most discussions surrounding Princess Peach, this list has mentioned the fact she frequently gets kidnapped. The reason it comes up a lot is because she spends most of her life as Bowser’s captive.

However, this meme shows that she now seeks help from a higher power to stop the kidnappings, and that higher power is Santa Claus. Yes, for those who didn’t read the title of the entry, this is Peach’s Christmas list, which is heavily focused on protecting her from capture. If Santa gets the Princess everything she wants, then maybe the next Mario game won’t involve her getting abducted, although it probably still will.

NEXT: Uncharted: 10 Hilarious Memes Only Fans Will Understand