People were throwing around the P word all last week in relation to Super Mario Odyssey. I mean, understandably because in the upcoming Nintendo Switch title, when Mario flings his hat onto other things in the game, he possesses them. Or, well, that was the wording that most people used before Nintendo cracked the whip.

Cappy, Mario’s new hat that has eyes and is apparently a living, breathing creature (sort of), was featured in a tweet from comic book writer Sam Logan that went viral.

Just a harmless little gag using Nintendo properties. Well, Nintendo of America didn’t think so. They’d had enough at this stage, and needed to make sure this didn’t get any more out of control. NOA took to Twitter to correct Logan and, in many ways, all of us.


— Sam Logan (@samandfuzzy) June 19, 2017

As Polygon points out, that is indeed the right terminology. Cappy captures things. It makes sense when you think about it. How foolish we all were to think Mario was some form of poltergeist. What a ride, though, eh?

Um, actually he’s been “Captured” by Mario.

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 21, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey is scheduled to launch on Nintendo Switch on October 27.