The upcoming Tokyo Tour event for Mario Kart Tour is bringing back a familiar character and track from the series, as both Rosalina and the Rainbow Road will be making their way into the game soon.

Princess Rosalina made her debut in Super Mario Galaxy and she would go on to be a playable character in Mario Kart Wii. The popularity of Rosalina led to her appearing in every Mario Kart game since then, as well as the Super Smash Bros. series. The Rainbow Road has appeared in every Mario Kart game since the beginning, where it is generally the most difficult track in each game. The horrors of the Rainbow Road are many, but the introduction of the 200cc speed in Mario Kart 8 showed how scary that track could really be.

Mario Kart Tour launched with many iconic characters missing from the roster, but it seems that they will be added gradually over time. The official Mario Kart Tour Twitter page has revealed that Rosalina and the Rainbow Road will be coming to the game soon.

Mario Kart Tour was released to widespread criticism due to its microtransactions, rather than for its gameplay. One of the complaints regarding the microtransactions was the absurdly low drop rate for rare characters, which can be as low as 0.3%. Rosalina might be coming to the game, but there is no guarantee that the player will be able to access her without either being lucky or willing to spend lots of money on the game.

The issues with microtransactions have done little to little diminish enthusiasm for the game, as it has already been downloaded over ninety million times and has raked in over twelve million dollars in profit. The Mario Kart franchise is one of Nintendo’s most valuable properties and it has the potential to be a huge hit for the company, regardless of the reaction to its monetization practices.

The Tokyo Tour event for Mario Kart Tour is due to begin on October 9, 2019.

Source: Twitter