Thor, one of Earth’s mightiest heroes, is an Asgardian hero based on the Norse god Thor. Thor is the God of Thunder and a member of the Avengers, a team of Marvel’s best and brightest that aim to protect the Earth. Thor has enjoyed a bit more hype as of late, along with Marvel heroes as a whole, thanks to his movie trilogy and the Infinity War movies. But what is the deal with Thor’s anatomy?

The Marvel movie version of Thor is not only cool and attractive, thanks to Chris Hemsworth and good scriptwriting, but he is also incredibly powerful. We all know that Thor can control lightning, but what about his other powers and abilities? Loki is always pulling tricks – has he turned Thor into anything? There are so many canon appearances that it can be hard to keep track of what Thor can and can’t do. What powers he has and the true extent of his skills can change and vary depending on what comics run you are reading, which can be confusing. Luckily, we have compiled a list of cool facts about Thor’s anatomy as a quick refresher before you watch the latest Marvel movie. There is no need to spend your entire paycheck trying to catch up on the Thor comics (but we totally get it if that’s what you end up doing – everyone has been there at some point). Do you know all of these facts? Did we surprise you? Let us know below!

24 Thor Gets His Powers From Magic Apple Juice

Most people can agree that apple juice is great; in fact, I would argue that it is the superior fruit and fruit juice (don’t @ me, you know it is true). It turns out that Thor has similar feelings about apples, but not because of the taste. In a myth-accurate piece of lore, Thor and the other Asgardian gods get their immortality from eating the golden apples of Idunn, a place in Asgard. An apple a day keeps old age away, apparently.

23 Loki Turned Thor Into…A Frog??

It is well-known across the realms that Loki is a wily trickster. Norse mythology chronicles his many exploits, and Thor: Ragnarok referenced the tale of Loki transforming himself into a snake as a prank. In the comics, Loki turned Thor into a frog. This arc in The Mighty Thor series has Thor lead an army of frogs against a clan of rats and even give a sliver of Mjolnir to a comrade in amphibian battle, Puddlegulp (now known as Throg).

22 Thor Once Cut Off His Own Arm

It is hard to imagine Thor without his awesome hammer, Mjolnir. While it may seem crazy, there was a time where Thor had another weapon of choice. Before he was considered worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, Thor has a giant axe called Jarnbjorn. Jarnbjorn was indestructible and could deflect energy blasts and cut through anything. Unfortunately, Thor accidentally cut off his arm while using the axe. Talk about having a cutting edge weapon! Bet Odin had a real axe to grind with Thor afterwards.

21 Thor Had A Clone Made Of Hair

Civil War’s storyline led to some pretty wild events; one of which involved a certain hero getting cloned. Tony Stark made a clone of Thor named Ragnarok to help battle the anti-registration hero known as Goliath. Goliath was defeated by Ragnarok, but Tony dismantled Ragnarok after the battle. While Ragnarok only participated in one battle, it was a pivotal and helpful one. I bet it was confusing for everyone to keep up. Would you make a clone of yourself?

20 Thor Can’t Fly

In the Marvel universe, we see Thor manage to ‘fly’ over great distances to quickly get to his destination. While it seems like he learned some tips from Superman, this trick is actually down to a combination of physics and Mjolnir. Thor uses his great strength to throw himself into the air and in the direction of his destination. When he is above where he needs to be, he swings Mjolnir around above his head to float down like a helicopter – neat!

19 Thor Used Odinforce Once

Odin, being one of the most powerful beings in the nine realms, has more than a few tricks up his sleeve. As well as being a literal god, he also has the power of Odinforce on his side. Odinforce is powerful and mystical energy used exclusively by kings of Asgard and has powered Gungnir and the Destroyer. When Odin was captured by the demise god, Seth, Odin granted Thor the power to save him. It’s weird to use life energy to fuel weapons, but okay.

18 Thor Can Use The Power Of Rage

We have all experienced being filled with rage at some point in our lives. Whether it’s not being allowed candy as a kid to someone cutting us off on the interstate, people can get pretty angry sometimes; it turns out that Thor takes rage to another level. Thor has the power of Warrior’s Madness on his side which basically allows him to Hulk out in battle – but without the green transformation.

17 Thor Is Really Freaking Strong

Being a hero of Earth means having to meet some specific criteria; liking the Earth, heroism, responsibility, crazy powers, and so on. One of Thor’s most defining qualities is his hugely imposing figure. His muscles are not just for show, however, as he really is stronger than he looks. While he is naturally strong as a god, he also has a certain piece of equipment in his arsenal that makes him even stronger. You gotta be strong to save people, just heroes might have to fight bad guys or lift heavy things off of civilians.

16 Thor Has Superhuman Durability

It takes a lot to travel through dimensions, battle huge monsters, withstand magical attacks, and other wild shenanigans that make up a superheroes’ Friday afternoon. Thor is someone who can deal with a lot both physically, mentally, and emotionally. The guy is practically a 10-ton brick wall he is so tough. He is a little soft on the inside, which is its own kind of durability. Must be awesome to be able to get slapped with a car and just brush it off like it’s nothing.

15 He Has Superhuman Speed

When in a fight, there are a few skills that need to be built up in order to succeed; strength, technique, confidence, and speed. Your reflexes and tempo are what keep you safe and bruise-free when battling another opponent. If you are fast enough, you can even surprise them or exploit a hole in their defense. Thor is able to move incredibly quickly, adding to his ability to win fights easily. Being able to ‘fly’ with Mjolnir helps too, though.

14 He Has Superhuman Reflexes

As mentioned above, having fast reflexes are a major part of what keeps you alive in a fight. It is your reflexes that will decide if you will have your arm separated from your body or not. Lucky for Thor, he has lightning-fast reflexes and is great at combat, making him an absolute unit of an ally or enemy. While he has lost body parts in battles before, the guy is still alive and got new ones, so you can’t fault him there.

13 Thor Can Control The Elements

Everyone knows that Thor is the god of thunder; it’s in his name, so it’s hard to miss. This rad power means that Thor can summon lightning and cause it to bend to his will; whether it is electrocuting an enemy or causing crazy lightning storms, Thor electrifies the hearts of everyone. This is a particularly flashy and dangerous power that Thor can do on his own but he often channels it through Mjolnir to be safe. Pack away your umbrellas if you see this god.

12 He Has A Belt Of Strength

While Thor is a strong and formidable foe, there is another item that can dramatically increase his strength. The Belt Of Strength was gifted by Odin to Thor in his time of need and, as the name suggests, increases his strength when put on. It kind of looks like a championship wrestling prize but with extra perks. Seems that Thor gets a lot of his power from Odin; I hope he makes the effort to visit him more than once a year.

11 Thor Has Been Unworthy Of Mjolnir

Intense headline, I know, but it is true. In the comics, Thor eventually became unworthy to wield Mjolnir anymore. When this happened, his ex-lover Jane Foster took up the mantle and became the new Thor, full godhood and abilities included. Once this power transfer was over, Thor took Jarnbjorn and traveled across the realms to fight alone. This did not last for long though as Thor did come back and retake his place as the god of thunder once more.

10 He Was Born In A Norwegian Cave

While Thor is an Asgardian, he initially started out his life on Earth. He was born of Odin and the Earth Goddess Gaea in a cave hidden deep in the Norwegian countryside. Thor had no clue who his true mother was for much of his life, growing up with the belief that the goddess Frigga was his true birth mother. Once he realized the mistake, however, things got pretty rocky in the royal family. It’s good that we got in touch with Thor’s official roots in the comics.

9 Thor Has A Half Brother Named Atum

Gods have pretty large and complicated families; Thor’s family is no different. We all know about his brother Loki, but Thor has a few other half-brothers to keep an eye on. Balder and Vidar are two other gods, but then there is another brother who is on another level. Atum is a literal god eater who can just turn from docile to dangerous on a dime. Bet family meals are tense with this picky eater at the dinner table.

8 He Is Immune To Conventional Diseases

Unless he gets severely injured, Thor does not take days off being a superhero. While most people may have to take a couple of weeks of a year for sickness, Thor does not ever get sick. It makes sense since he is an immortal god that travels across many dimensions so his immune system must be jacked. Drinking apple juice is good for your body but golden apples of Idunn keep colds and the flu away; to make it worse, this guy doesn’t get hangovers either!

7 Thor’s Skin And Bones Are Dense As Heck

Thor is a massive guy in both size and weight. In his full Thor form, he is 6 foot 6 inches and around 640 pounds. While being tall and having a lot of muscles carries a lot of mass, there is more to Thor’s numbers than that. Because Thor has to be so durable and ready for action, his bones and skin are way more dense than the average person’s. This is to protect him from harm and keep him grounded in battle.

6 Thor’s Life Force Is Bound To Mjolnir

Getting cool powers from a mystical godly hammer comes at a price. To get his powers from Mjolnir, Thor had to transfer and share some of his life force with the hammer. This created a deep and special connection between Thor and Mjolnir but that does not mean that Thor has it easy. If Thor is every unworthy to wield Mjolnir, Mjolnir is sure to let him know.

5 If Mjolnir Is Damaged Thor Will Die

Having an awesome boomerang hammer that gives you a bunch of cool powers comes at a price. In order for this power to be transferred and used, Thor’s life energy had to be connected to Mjolnir. This means that while Thor does get a lot of power from the hammer, if anything happens to the hammer and it gets damaged then Thor will feel it, too. This is one of the reasons why Thor protects Mjolnir so carefully – if he does not take care of it, he could end his own life.