It’s pretty easy to find fan-made comics and stories based off of video games like The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy, of which I’ve covered plenty of times over. That said it’s a bit trickier to search for “Marvel comics” because, well, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it? Marvel is a company that makes real comics so the search results can be problematic. For the most part a lot of the websites setup to cover parodies in comic form is dedicated to video games. Places like Penny Arcade, Corpse Run Comics, Nerd Rage, and so on. It’s not that they don’t parody other types of popular culture, but those instances are more rare.

What I’m basically saying is this was a job that needed a bit more time and dedication. I strapped on my mining gear and dug deep. After numerous amounts of word combinations, I finally found some awesome comics based on Marvel stuff to share. And yes, they are funny. That said I hope you like to read a lot about Thor, Captain America, and Spider-Man. The Internet loves those three heroes, but dang do they enjoy the young web-slinger more. I mean it isn’t that hard to imagine. He’s my favorite Marvel hero just like Batman is my favorite DC crusader. They actually have a lot in common with each other too, but I’ll save that for later. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I’ve uncovered and it brings a smile to your day.

25 Thank You Bag Of Spiders

UpandOut created this comic for Tumblr. We all know the story of Peter Parker. He’s bitten by a radioactive spider and thus gets super speed, strength, athletic agility, and webbing. Thankfully he doesn’t look like a spider because he’d be less likable.

This has to exist in the infinite timeline of the Spider-Verse, right?

What if, for example, Spider-Man was just a collective of spiders living inside a costume like some sort of sentient hive mind? I don’t care if that version saves my life. If I took off the mask to see that I’d scream too.

24 Hair Of The Gods

I should have done this beforehand, but after I watched Infinity War I marathoned the eighteen previous MCU films. I just got so jazzed afterward that I had to channel my energy somehow. That said rewatching the first Thor was weird. His hair was crazy long and his eyebrows looked fake. The version we get to see in Thor Ragnarok is my favorite. Kind of funny to see how his hair and Loki’s change over time while most everyone else on the team stays virtually the same.

23 Marvel Vs DC Strategy

George Rottkamp and Tristan Cooper created this comic for Dorkly. I hate kicking someone when they are down and in this case, it’s DC. I don’t have a bias against them either.

Martha is the connecting tissue of the DC films.

I love Batman! The reason their movies are failing is easily seen in this comic. If the studio executives took their time maybe the DC movies would be better. Instead, they feel bloated and rushed. No one wants to see that. Be better DC!

22 Coping With Revivals

Tenshi-no-Hikari created this comic for DeviantArt. Thor has watched his family and country perish let alone his brother multiple times. I’m sure he was happy to see him after the first in The Avengers, but then got angry since he was being a prick and trying to enslave humanity. As for Cap, well, he thought he saw Bucky bite the bullet in his first film and he was basically his brother. He also finds this brother figure brainwashed and ready to slaughter thousands. Talk about some conflicted feelings.

21 Loki Is A Diaper Brony

Tenshi-no-Hikari created this comic for DeviantArt. There’s a lot to unpack here. First of all, to call the My Little Pony reboot popular would do it a disservice. It’s huge and with it, there’s a following. Sometimes those followers can get, uh, obsessed. Then there’s the fascination with putting diapers on things, which is downright confusing.

Do not Google Loki, diapers.

Put those two fandoms together and you get one heck of a problem. Tack onto that a growing Loki and that spells trouble for everyone. How does a parent go about dealing with this exactly?

20 One Arm Ahead Of The Game

Zoubstance created this comic for DeviantArt. Who is the better super soldier? Is it the first, Captain America, or is it Bucky. Overall I think Cap beats him nine times out of ten, but for that other tenth of the time, Bucky has the advantage via his cybernetic arm. There are just certain things that come in handy in losing one’s own flesh even if it is just a simple push up contest. And who needs a shield when you can block stuff with your arm?

19 Hello, Do You Do Fellow Kids?

Vivalski created this comic for DeviantArt. Captain America’s story, and pretty much every Marvel scenario, is unbelievable. You can’t just crash into ice and be awakened like nothing happened for like half a century. That said how would one cope with getting caught up? How should you act? I like the idea of Cap trying to live it up with the lingo and meme culture with young Peter. Now that’s a movie I could get behind. Let’s revive the concept of Encino Man.

18 Bombs Are The Best Motivators

George Rottkamp and Tristan Cooper created this comic for Dorkly. Again, I don’t want to harp on DC too much, but there’s just no getting around this. I wanted to like Suicide Squad, but it tries way too hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy especially by adding in catchy music. The one thing it differs with the most is the motives. The Guardians are criminals of a sort, but when they break out they decide to band together for the fate of humanity. The DC thugs have to fight, or they’ll explode. Not the noblest cause.

17 Everyone Is Safe In Happy Fun Time Land

Justin Hall and Tristan Cooper created this comic for Dorkly. Another big movie you can compare between the two colossal comic giants are in regards to Civil War and Dawn of Justice. In Civil War, our favorite heroes are faced with the consequences of their wanton destruction throughout the years, which tears the force apart. Dawn of Justice lazily explains that the city has been evacuated so even if something gets destroyed no one will get hurt. That’s not really being faced with consequences. That’s just making an excuse so fans can’t argue with you.

16 The Big Time

George Rottkamp and Andrew Bridgman created this comic for Dorkly. It’s hard to believe we’re in the golden age of superhero movies right now. When I was growing up they were mostly terrible: Fantastic Four, Daredevil, etc. Before my time there was even worse stuff via TV movies with small-time stars like David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury.

Remember when Spider-Man was a Power Ranger?

Now we have giant names and the films are good to boot. Anthony freaking Hopkins played Odin! That’s pretty fantastic. Even though it’s been like this for a decade it still ceases to amaze me.

15 Shawarma Time

Vivalski created this comic for DeviantArt. The after credits scene wasn’t created by the MCU, but these films certainly popularized them. One of the best was a callback to a joke Iron Man told the gang during battle in The Avengers. He wanted to get shawarma, which is basically a gyro to keep explanations simple. It was a great stinger and on a personal note if you haven’t tried them they are really good. Anyway, the main gist is that it’s also a play off of the popular cartoon show, Adventure Time. Get it?

14 I Didn’t Do It

Vivalski created this comic for DeviantArt. Spider-Man and Batman have a lot in common mostly in that they both factor in stealth into their equations. As strong as they both are their keen minds tell them that being unseen and taking enemies out one at a time is the best strategy possible.

Who would win in a stealth contest between Batman and Spider-Man?

A better one yet is turning a friend into foe like we see between Falcon and Bucky in this panel.

13 Kick Me Harder

Tenshi-no-Hikari created this comic for DeviantArt. Thor and Loki love each other, or in some case love to hate each other. It really depends on the movie. Thor seems to care for him even though Loki can’t see it. Does Loki love Thor back secretly? It’s hard to say, but that moment in Thor Ragnarok wherein the audience, and Thor, thinks Loki is a projection, but is actually there, is pretty sweet. I do like this artist’s interpretation that even in a cool embrace they have to one-up each other.

12 Marvel Simematic Universe

Katinca created this comic for Tumblr. What would life be like without the world always being threatened? That is to say what do our favorite Marvel heroes do in their free time? Imagining Captain America playing The Sims is perfect because he can’t live an ordinary life. The closet he can get is creating one via video games. The whole idea of The Sims is to put your friends in and make them look and it act weird like Cap did with Bucky.


10 Laser Pointers Forever

Kobif created this comic for Tumblr. Very few of the Marvel characters take after their namesakes. Captain America isn’t the leader of the U.S. or follow the military and Spider-Man, while he has webbing, isn’t really a spider. I could go on, but let’s get to the man of the hour, Black Panther. He doesn’t behave like a cat, but what if he did? What if Scarlet Witch could just use a laser pointer to defeat him? Not sure if panthers can get distracted by lasers like house cats, but it is funny.

9 A Vision For Cooking

Kobif created this comic for Tumblr. One of the cutest scenes in Civil War, while everyone is not fighting, is Vision trying to cook for Scarlet Witch. She misses both her brother and her homeland so he’s trying to bring back a little bit of heaven into her not so great situation. Here’s the thing. How could Vision be a good cook if he can’t taste? That’s why I like seeing her secretly trying to interfere. They’re both trying to boost each other’s morals and the way it’s drawn here is adorable.

8 You’re The Iron Man Now Dog

MiniBuddy created this comic for Tumblr. Of all the good guys in the MCU Tony Stark is kind of the big brother of the group. He’s not the oldest, but he does bankroll everything and his film, Iron Man, jump-started the whole thing. So what are big brothers good at besides role modeling?

Tony likes to play Spider-Man in the middle.

Being a bully. Not only to Spider-Man, but to Captain America too. It’s another cutesy comic without any words that works just as well.

Anneissinking created this comic for Tumblr. If Thor were a Pokémon trainer he’d be partial to electric Pokémon. That’s kind of obvious. He may not be one for cute things normally, but even a god like him can appreciate Pikachu’s allure. It’s electric. I’ll hold for the laughter. Ahem, anyway the second part of the joke is a call back to his first film wherein he smashes a glass on the floor, in the real world, asking for another. It’s weird, but that’s his customs. They must have a platoon of glass blowers in Asgard.

7 Hulk Bring Tree

Hulk is not the brightest bulb on the team. Throughout the movies, he keeps getting smarter and smarter, but he’s a child at heart. Take this comic for example. When he sees Hawkeye giving Black Widow flowers he knows he has to one-up him. What is a bouquet to Hulk though? Why a whole tree of course. A regular arrangement of flowers would be crushed in his giant hands. That’s not the only thing he’d crush romantically if you know what I mean.

6 The Art It Is A-Chagin’

George Rottkamp and Tristan Cooper created this comic for Dorkly. As good as the MCU movies are, there are some that can complain about anything, comparing how the comics are different than the films and are thus inferior. This example from a longer Dorkly article focuses on art style changes from comic to comic and how it’s almost equally as jarring seeing Spider-Man being played by other people. That would be three in the live action movies if you were keeping count.