Not many superheroes have enough strength that can rival Marvel’s very own green, mean, smashing machine known as the Incredible Hulk. Can superheroes be ultra smart and ridiculously strong at the same time? Well, Bruce Banner and the hulk just proved that they can! Bruce Banner might be a scrawny individual but nobody would dare to make him angry. Every time Bruce awakens the hulk, chaos and ruin are sure to follow shortly after. Once the hulk has been unleashed, it will certainly do what it does best, and that is to smash!

Fans are very much familiar with Hulk’s destructive capabilities, as well as his capacity of leveling an entire city to the ground. However, what some might not know is that total destruction is only but a fraction of what Hulk is capable of doing. Hulk is more than just a mindless tool for bringing devastating calamities upon worlds. He is also a mastermind, a dreamer, a visionary, an inspiration and even a father. If Hulk is able to keep his emotions in check and his mind clear, he is capable of becoming Marvel’s most omnipotent superhero.

In fact, Hulk is so powerful that he often becomes a problem for both superheroes and villains alike! That being said, there’s a good reason why the hulk is considered as the strongest member of The Avengers team. Here are 25 superpowers that show why Hulk truly is the strongest there is and why he doesn’t use the full extent of his capabilities. Either way, we still won’t like it when he gets angry!

25 Hulk’s Monster Underwater Powers

When the hulk is on land, he’s able to traverse great distances, cause seismic activities and ruin property all at the same time! However, some might not know that he is just as efficient underwater as he is on the surface.

Hulk is a submarine underwater the same way he’s a tank on the ground.

According to Marvel, the hulk is capable of producing what they call “oxygenated per fluorocarbon emission,” which basically allows him to breathe underwater. As if that’s not enough, the crushing pressure of deep sea won’t have much of an effect on him either.

Artwork by Protokitty

24 The Thunderclap Is A Force To Be Reckoned With

However, this is actually one of his strongest signature moves. According to Marvel, the hulk’s thunderclaps generate a powerful shockwave similar to hurricanes and sonic booms, talk about giving a big hand!

Artwork by KEGO44

23 Double Trouble

What makes the hulk even more dangerous than he already is? The answer is two Hulks, of course! At one point in time, the hulk was capable of splitting himself into two with help from the ever-popular super-mutant Jean Grey.

They might be in the same Hulk but they’re not alike.

Based on Marvel’s database, the other half of Hulk was a sort of callous and apathetic individual, unlike his hot-headed counterpart. He eventually ended up becoming one of the Four Horseman of Apocalypse known as War.

22 He’s Fast And Furious

21 Time Traveling

20 Different Shades Of Hulk

19 Powerful Split Personalities

18 Influence Of A King

17 The Incredible Dad

16 Power Of Charisma

15 Impenetrable Exterior

14 Limitless Power

13 Mind-Control Resistance

12 Insanely Fast Regeneration

11 Immeasurable Intelligence

10 Weapons Of Mass Destruction

9 Nuclear Threats Won’t Work

8 No Sick Leave Required

7 Time Fears The Hulk

6 Space Cannot Contain Hulk