We all love Loki, don’t we? The God of Mischief has made a place in the hearts of every Marvel Cinematic Universe fan thanks to the charm that Tom Hiddleston resonates. The trickster met his end in the opening minutes of Avengers: Infinity War and it seems unlikely we’ll be seeing him again other than flashback or through some time travel hijinks in Avengers 4.

As is the usual practice of the world, whenever someone passes away they are elevated to a level of respect they weren’t bestowed with when they were alive–this applies to fictional characters too. With the words, “the sun will shine on us again,” Loki departed from the MCU; however, he lives on in the comics.

This is something all of the film fans have overlooked. But it isn’t the first time something concerning Loki has been overlooked or unknown. There is a lot more than what meets the eye when it comes to the trickster; namely, his powers. Due to his status as a villain in his earlier appearances, Loki was largely seen weaker than Thor and the powers he demonstrated onscreen weren’t magnified as they should have. In his later appearances, Loki was an anti-hero who relied more on duplicity and comedy (as seen in Thor: Ragnarok).

So it will come as quite a surprise to you once you take a peek at this list and realize Loki had a lot of powers he showcased in the MCU that you didn’t appreciate. There are many more that will be unknown as these have been restricted to the comics.

25 Telekinesis

To start off, this power was seen all of once in the MCU. During Thor: The Dark World, Loki was given news of Frigga’s demise, and to cope with this news he exploded in rage, causing the furniture around his cell to vault against the walls.

People don’t recall Loki having this power, unfortunately. This would be due to the Trickster never employing its use in his battles. We’ve seen Loki face off against numerous enemies, but didn’t use telekinesis against them. It’s a mystery as to why this wasn’t used often as there are many creative ways Loki could have defeated his opponents.

24 Creating Tangible Illusions

Thor: Ragnarok would have us believe Loki can only create illusions that fool the naked eye. Thor made use of any item lying around him to fling at Loki in Ragnarok in order to determine if it was his brother or an illusion of him.

But don’t be quick to forget Loki had created a tangible illusion in The Dark World.

When he had pulled off a fake perishing scenario to weasel his way back into Asgard, Loki had his illusion stabbed by Kurse and this duplicate was even cradled by Thor. Since then, Loki’s illusion capabilities seem to have weakened or Marvel may have simply decided to make people forget he had this ability in the first place.

23 Possession

We are aware of Loki’s knack to use duplicity to fool his intended target into doing his bidding, but did you know Loki had the ability to outright possess someone?

He has shown this power in the comics where Loki has possessed his unfortunate target and controlled said person using their body. This is where Loki’s true chaos-based powers shine and it is something that adds an element of fear to his character; something not much felt in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the particular story of the possession, as seen in Secret Invasion: Dark Reign, Loki banished Lady Sif’s soul from her body and took control of the Asgardian to fulfill his own plans.

22 All-Speak

It might not be apparent in the MCU, where every being in the universe seems to be well versed in English, but the Asgardians are learned in the language of All-Speak. With this talent, they can converse with any alien or any sentient being in any galaxy.

With his status as a Prince of Asgard, Loki had centuries to learn different languages.

Just as Thor was able to decipher Groot’s language in Avengers: Infinity War, Loki can also converse with different beings in their native language. As Loki had displayed greater interest in these matters as compared Thor, it is fair to assume he can speak a greater number of languages.

21 Transferring His Powers To Another

We are aware of Rogue’s powers of sapping the energy and life force of an unwitting victim, but Loki has an opposite ability–he can transfer his powers over to another individual. This enables the recipient to make use of all the powers the God of Mischief possesses.

While may seem Loki would have good intentions with this, his intentions are actually the opposite. The occasions he has demonstrated the transference of power, Loki’s motive was to avoid the battle himself and make the user of his power take his place. His transfer also boosts the existing powers of the person he is helping out.

20 Heightened Immunity (Magic And Technological)

Loki has imbued himself with magical abilities of such extent that he has reached a certain level of immunity from them. In the MCU, his tussle with Doctor Strange’s magic didn’t get him far, but in the comics he has been seen achieving insane feats.

He survived being beheaded by Balder.

Along with that, he showed resistance to power-sapping abilities of Rogue, being controlled by a disc by the Controller and immunity to all known toxins. Basically, any attempt at controlling Loki using magical forces or otherwise will not work out as the God of Mischief is immune to all methods of mental restraints.

19 Master Manipulator

It may not be an outright power, but Loki’s mastery at manipulating those around him is a skill not found in others. He’s not known as the God of Mischief and the Trickster for nothing.

The entire events of the MCU have unfolded due to Loki’s manipulation of Thor into attacking the Frost Giants.

This began a chain effect that culminated into Avengers: Infinity War. Loki had also gained favor of Thanos to this degree that the Titan had willingly handed the scepter containing the Mind Stone over to him. On Sakaar, Loki avoided the gladiator arena quickly after arriving due to his scheming. It’s appropriate his shapeshifting form is a snake because you can never be sure what is happening when Loki is around.

18 Disease Immunity

It would suck to have the lifespan of an immortal being and be riddled with diseases that we normal humans suffer from. This is why Asgardians and Frost Giants don’t have to worry about trivial ailments like the common cold or more serious sicknesses like cancer.

Loki has lived for centuries without worrying about falling ill from an unwanted disease. His Frost Giant physiology gives him further advantage over an Asgardian as the icy tundra of Jotunheim has no effect on him. It’s still a wonder how Thor knows what Gout is in Avengers: Age of Ultron as he and Loki never would have come across it in Asgard.

17 Shapeshifting Other Matters

Loki’s magical abilities are far greater than the movies have had them appear. In the films, Loki is more of an illusion caster rather than an all out sorcerer like Doctor Strange. However, Loki’s mastery of shapeshifting is such that he has magically transformed beings and materials.

In the comics, Loki transformed clouds into dragons!

In the MCU itself, this ability has been understated save for a mention in Thor: Ragnarok where a throwaway jokes revealed Loki had transformed Thor into a frog back when they were eight-years-old.

16 Mind Reading

Tough luck trying to conceal anything from the God of Mischief because Loki won’t let you hide away anything from him. Only a slice of this power was glimpsed in Thor: Ragnarok but the scale of this power is such it is a marvel how under the radar it has slipped.

None of the characters we have seen thus far have been able to view another person’s inner thoughts by a simple touch, but Loki searched Valkyrie’s darkest secrets just this way. In source material, these powers are greatly expanded upon. However, it is odd how such a remarkable power has never been touted.

15 Invisibility

Speaking of powers that have remained under the radar, here’s another incredible ability that hasn’t been expanded upon. In Thor, Loki managed to sneak aboard S.H.I.E.L.D’s base camp and converse with his brother.

He did all his business in plain sight, undetected.

Once he had deceived Thor into thinking Odin had passed away and kept his exile intact, Loki walked freely among S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and attempted to pick up Mjolnir. In the end credits, he seemed to have been invisible when Erik Selvig spoke to Nick Fury. Later sequels haven’t addressed this mysterious ability again, causing many to forget Loki ever had it in the first place.

14 Vast Knowledge Of Lore

While Thor was busy being a warrior, Loki busied himself with books. In Thor: The Dark World, it is seen that Loki is much closer to Frigga, who was a noted sorceress and well learnt in lore.

This skill was passed onto Loki by his mother and he has made most use of it. Sharp viewers will have noted Loki is always aware of any artifact that shows up. He needed no introduction to the Skull of Surtur and was knowledgeable of its capability and power. In his time away from Asgard, Loki had either found out, or had always known, about the Infinity Stones.

13 Hypnosis

No, we’re not referring to Tom Hiddleston’s skill of melting every female viewer’s heart when he appears onscreen; this one is about the character’s ability. Loki has been shown in the MCU to have made use of the Scepter to corrupt the hearts of his targets and make them do his bidding, but he has this feature readily available in the comics.

Loki can alter his magical abilities to confound someone into believing something that is not true, or make them commit an act without their consent. In Thor, he may have hypnotized Erik Selvig in the end credits scene as at that point Loki had not had the scepter in possession.

12 Magnitude Of Illusion Abilities

Loki’s pride and joy, as far as his powers are concerned, has to be illusion casting. It has become a trademark skill of the trickster. Loki is particularly adept at casting these as they have fooled everyone he has set them against.

In the comic books, his illusions are powerful in such regard that he had been successful in deceiving entire cities (as seen in Journey into Mystery)! Along with that, his illusions worked into tricking Surtur in Thor Vol. 352. One can never be too sure whether it is actually Loki standing in front of them or if the Trickster is sneaking up from behind at the same moment.

11 Communicating Across Galaxies

Like Doctor Strange, Loki is capable of astral projection; this means the God of Mischief can appear in person while not being there in reality. This has been seen several times in the films, yet has always been confused with his illusionary capabilities.

Loki does not need astral projection at all times. He is powerful enough to send messages across galaxies using simply his mind. In the comics, Loki cast his thoughts across Asgard and to Earth when he was incapacitated and unable to move ergo making him capable of breaking inter-dimensional barriers to communicate with the intended recipient of the message.

10 Super Strength

This aptitude was a given, and seen frequently, but is always underrated. Being the brother of the almighty Thor means that Loki’s own physical prowess has been wildly ignored. However, once you consider his many accomplishments in the battlefield, it becomes clearer just how strong Loki is.

He made short work of the Super Soldier Captain America.

Loki would have ended Cap had Iron Man not intervened. While he can’t lift the amount of weight Thor can, Loki can easily pick up 40-50 tons. His natural strength means he can contend with the strongest of the bunch and this has been seen when his blows were able to stun and harm Thor.

9 Bulletproof

You can unload entire magazines trying to harm Loki and the end result will still be the Trickster cackling at your feeble attempts. It was laughable how S.H.I.E.L.D. agents attempted to penetrate Loki’s exterior by making use of firearms in The Avengers.

The action sequence was intense and pulsating, which made it difficult to discern that Loki had taken multiple clean shots by bullets but had shrugged each and every one of them off. Frost Giants are notorious for being brutish, rough creatures who can withstand blows that would shatter the strongest forces in the galaxy. As such, Loki has no problems when facing guns as these will likely only feel like the prick of a tiny pin to him.

8 Shapeshifting

You might have thought that Loki had employed the use of his illusions to pose as Odin for years, but the Trickster in fact is an expert Shapeshifter. Thor: Ragnarok made it clear that Loki was a shapeshifter by revealing he had once pretended to be a snake so he could stab Thor; all this when he was only eight-years-old.

It would be mental torture to ascertain whether a person before you is genuine or Loki in disguise if you were to know the Trickster was somewhere in the vicinity. His shapeshifting abilities are so perfect, it can only take someone very experienced with Loki’s scheming to uncover the truth; so it would be handy to keep Thor around.

7 Summoning Items

Up until Avengers: Infinity War, this power wasn’t known to fans; so we think it counts for this list. As we saw in Infinity War, Loki has the ability to summon items to himself seemingly out of thin air. In reality all he does is make that item appear from a known location to himself, but this is a skill not seen in the likes of Thor.

In Thor: Ragnarok, Loki could have had Doctor Strange on the ropes had he not boasted about his own skill as Loki had summoned two daggers with which to attack Strange. It’s a shame his summoning was always caught by his opponent whenever seen onscreen as this is a skill that would be pretty handy in tight situations.

6 Creating Force Fields Around Matter

While Loki isn’t purely proficient with his telekinetic abilities like someone such as Jean Grey, he can mimic strong telekinesis thereby negating the need for true telekinetic powers. To this end, Loki can create force fields around objects and compel them toward a target.

This effectively allows him to levitate matters as well. It isn’t telekinesis in actuality, as the item itself isn’t being moved; the area around it is being controlled. Thus, Loki can use these force fields to hurl objects of any kind toward foes, varying in strength and power.