New gameplay footage from Marvel’s Avengers shows that Square Enix has indeed tweaked the designs of its characters following criticism.

We currently live in a world where movies, TV shows, and video games are being heavily criticized before they have even been released. Consumers need to look no further than Sonic the Hedgehog for proof of that, and even Game of Thrones where “fans” demanded the final season be rewritten and re-released. Either people are harder to please nowadays, or they can simply shout louder thanks to social media.

In the gaming world, the latest example of this happened when Square Enix gave gamers their first glimpse of Marvel’s Avengers. A trailer dropped at E3 and how the game will begin was revealed. Immediately after the trailer debuted, those who didn’t like it turned to social media to air their complaints, which mainly entailed the designs of the superheroes themselves.

The complaint was the Avengers didn’t look enough like their movie counterparts. Square Enix very politely responded by saying that they probably wouldn’t be tweaking the designs. However, tweaks have clearly taken place. An 18-minute clip of gameplay from Marvel’s Avengers dropped at Gamescom this week, and Redditors have picked up on the changes.

As you can see in the comparison photos above, the designs have changed. Granted, Iron Man doesn’t look more like Robert Downey Jr., and Cap isn’t now Chris Evans, but that was never going to be the case. Instead, the Avengers look younger, crisper, and more heroic all-around in any regard. You can check out another comparison pic below courtesy of OnlySP. Thor seems to have undergone the most drastic change of all the characters.

The complaints that the video game Avengers weren’t identical to the movie heroes were fairly ridiculous ones to make. Marvel’s Avengers is not a follow-on from Endgame, nor does it even take place in the same universe. However, evidence of the changes Square Enix has made is proof that tweaks were necessary. It may also be the middle ground that critics needed to ease off, sit back, and simply look forward to the game’s release in May 2020.