The Mass Effect series is filled with beloved characters, and one of the most popular is Tali’Zorah. She appeared in the very first game and became an integral part of Shepard’s journey throughout the original trilogy (as long as she doesn’t die in the suicide mission). The Quarian is funny, smart, and one of the most sought after love interests in the franchise.

Her popularity within the Mass Effect fanbase has naturally led to an incredible amount of fan art being made of her. There are so many outstanding pieces out there that narrowing them down to ten was not an easy task. However, we’ve managed to do it, so be prepared to be blown away by the talent of these Tali fans.

10 Tali Happy Valentines Day!

With Tali being one of the most popular romantic interests in the series, it’s no surprise there is a lot of cutesy art of her. This adorable picture of Tali giving her heart to the viewer was made by kotorikurama to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

From the helmet to the suit, Tali looks just like her video game counterpart, except she seems more joyful here. Her happier demeanor could be because, unlike in the games, she doesn’t have to deal with an overbearing Reaper threat that’s going to wipe out most of the galaxy.

9 There Won’t Be An Earth Left To Save

ThiaminaTenn’s art shows a very different side to Tali than the last image. The visual of her covered in blood and her suit showing battle damage makes the Quarian look like a badass.

As one of the more wholesome members of the crew, it’s easy to forget that Tali has followed Shepard into a lot of the crazy conflicts they’ve been in against the Geth, Cerberus, and the Reapers. So if the games actually showed the real physical effects in the aftermath of fights, Tali would look a lot like this.

8 Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy

Ever since Tali was introduced fans have been creating art depicting what they think she would look like under the helmet. A potential scene in Mass Effect 3 gave fans a glimpse of her face, which gave artists more to work with. Although, not everyone was a fan of what Bioware came up with.

Jacob Probelski has shown some clever subtlety with their version of Tali’s face by keeping it in the mask. From what you can see of the face, it doesn’t look out of place at all as it suits the Quarian perfectly. The rest of her suit is also recreated beautifully in the art.

7 Tali’Zorah Vas Rannoch (Long Hair Version)

This version of Tali by poison is indeed based on the previously mentioned face reveal in Mass Effect 3. However, where Bioware just photoshopped a stock photo of a face, poison gave her a full body and added a lot more details.

Huge credit should be given to the body as it’s easy to imagine Quarians looking like that under their suits. They also made her look a lot more alien-like than the ME3 version, which makes this feel like a more realistic depiction of how she’d look as obviously she’s not a human.

6 Rael’Zorah And Little Tali

The most impressive thing about this piece of art by doppelgangergeisha is how well it depicts the relationship between Tali and her father. As even though the two Quarians cared for each other, they were never that close. This fan art manages to showcase that dynamic by having a young Tali reach up to her father, who’s solely focused on his work.

It’s also cool to see Tali portrayed as a child, especially as doppelgangergeisha’s imagination of what she’d have looked like is awesome. Bonus points are earned for the inclusion of the bubble to keep her safe from infections, that’s clever attention to detail.

5 Tali’Zorah And Chikktika

Another important relationship in Tali’s life is featured here, as she’s shown interacting with her combat drone Chikktika (there’s plenty of contention around the exact spelling of the name).

It’s a delightful piece by metaLollipop with the drone lovingly looking up to his mother, although Tali seems less pleased (maybe he didn’t go for the optic ports like she told him too). The bright vibrant colors that are used on the drone and Tali’s suit really helps the picture stand out. Plus, the little details on both Tali and the drone look fantastic.

4 ME3doodle03

Post this crimson-nemesis art on social media and you’ll get many comments referring to it as a ‘mood’. It’s an incredible drawing of Tali drowning her sorrows at the bar. She does have a lot of sorrows to drown, from her species’ war with the Geth to her issues with her dad to the whole Reaper invasion.

It might not have the most creative title (ME3doodle03), but it is one of the remarkable pieces on this list. The artist has been able to clearly display Tali’s emotions in the image despite only having very few facial features to work with.

3 Quarian’s Creed

FonteArt has brought two beloved gaming franchises together with this fan art. It’s surprising how well they fit together, and if Ubisoft ever wants to make an Assassin’s Creed game set in the distant future, maybe they could take some inspiration from FonteArt’s work (without stealing it of course).

There’s not a single part of this image that isn’t brilliant, from the Assassin’s logo on the bracer to the helmet, everything is expertly colored, and immensely detailed. It would be cool to see FonteArt try their hand at turning more Mass Effect characters into Assassins.

2 Does This Unit Have A Soul?

One of the most emotional moments in Mass Effect 3 is the ending of the Geth and Quarian war. The reason it’s so sad is that it leads to the loss of Legion (no matter how you play it). The synthetic companion’s last moments are unbelievably well-illustrated in this piece.

Shade-of-Stars’s choice of colors is the star of the show in this one as it makes the explosions of the ships, the details on Legion’s back, and even the crumbling ground of Rannoch look so beautiful. Equally impressive is how Shade-of-Stars has made the goodbye between Tali and Legion even more tearjerking with the addition of them reaching out to each other.

1 BatTali

If you’re a fan of Tali and crossover fan art, then spaceMAXmarine is one to check out. They have dressed the Quarian up as an abundance of different characters like Ciri, Spider-Gwen, and a spartan from Halo, just to name a few.

The one that has been chosen for this list is BatTali, which shows how the engineer would look as Batgirl. Mixing these two iconic characters is a great idea, and it is executed in this art perfectly. The whole image makes Tali look awesome from the cool suit to the powerful pose. Plus, it’s clever how spceMAXmarine has managed to transform Batgirl’s cowl into the helmet and hood Tali usually wears.

NEXT: Mass Effect: 10 Amazing Pieces Of Shepard Fan Art