BioWare has released a new cinematic trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda, this time taking a closer look your diverse squad of crewmates.

Liam and Cora: Two of your starting crew members. They both signed up to be part of the Pathfinder team on the Ark Hyperion. Liam has already made a name for himself in the Milky Way as a security specialist, with expertise in crisis response, while Cora has had the unique experience of training with the asari matriarchs. Along with Alec, Scott, and Sara Ryder, they form the core of the Pathfinder team.

Vetra, Peebee, and Drack: They have travelled to Andromeda long before your arrival. Vetra, who is already onboard the Nexus, has found that family ties are more important than venturing deeper into the galaxy. Neither Peebee nor Drack were part of the initial Pathfinder team, and while you’ll find Peebee to be a free spirit with a penchant for alien civilizations, you’ll come to know Drack as an aged and grizzled veteran, even by krogan standards.

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches in Europe on March 23.