Michael Bay will be back to direct the fifth entry in the live-action Transformers movie franchise, the director confirmed to Rolling Stone during promotion for his new movie 13 Hours.

Only Mark Wahlberg from the Age of Extinction cast is currently expected to return for the fifth pic.

Despite losing series star Shia Labeouf, Age of Extinction made over $1 billion worldwide.

Bay insists, the fifth movie will be be his last in the franchise.

“Transformers, I still have a great time. It’s fun to do a movie that 100 million people will see. But this is the last one. I have to pass the reins to someone else,” he said.

He’s said this before, of course, but this time says it’s for real.

“It’s time to move on. One more.”

Last spring Paramount revealed it was forming a writers’ room with the goal to build out a new Transformers universe to host a range of main franchise films and spin-offs.

Transformers 5 is scheduled for a summer 2017 release.

Source: Rolling Stone